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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. I believe I'm a few inches over 30" on the season, which means I've exceeded average climo for this area. The rest of the season is gravy, baby. Let's keep stacking it up.
  2. I'd be fine with a hellacious thump to mix to dryslot type scenario.
  3. You gotta be putting up 4-5" an hour.
  4. My bro in Berlin MA reports it is insane out there. I believe it based on the radar.
  5. I'll have to speak with the Lunenberg Society of Weights and Measures about recalibrating my yardstick if I'm a bit high.
  6. Lol, ballpark of 17, give or take. Grains aren't really accumulating at this point. I'm surprised you're not higher. How much did you pick up in that first big band around lunch? I pulled almost 4" between 12:30 and 1:30.
  7. I'll take your word for it. I wasn't around for that bad boy.
  8. Dunno, but his forecast busted pretty low in these parts.
  9. I guess the idea is it takes a great deal of good juju to pull a 3 foot monster with hurricane force gusts and drifts to the rooftops, especially on the Cape. Thus he used up his juju and he's still paying for it via regression.
  10. You're still paying for Jan '05 Jamesy.
  11. Downsloped off the mighty mountains of Monroe?
  12. Ha, thanks. Trees have taken a beating this year, but I'll have enough fire wood for the next decade.
  13. So, assuming we can squeeze another few inches, I'll have had a 18-20" snowstorm, a F1 tornado and a tropical storm within a 12 month period. That's gotta be a pretty rare feat just about anywhere, wouldn't you think?
  14. Thanks, Freak! What's it looking like up there?
  15. Out towards New London you mean?
  16. Congrats to you. Think we're in the same ballpark. Measured 16-17" about an hour ago.
  17. I had a feeling yesterday this would be a good one down here. It really came together this time. Rest of the season is gravy.
  18. Cleared the driveway at 5. Went back out at 6:30 and had another 4" new. In the ballpark of 17" now.
  19. I lived in Boston then. Moved back to CT in '16.
  20. Just keeps generating over us. Best event since 2015 for me!
  21. Yeah, I just hope they make a pass overnight or I'm going to have a rough time getting to the office tomorrow. Think you break the 15" mark? Looks like it to me.
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