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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Thank you. I had a great one from Hoof Hearted a few weeks ago; saw Marlowe and Fat Orange Cat the other day but have never tried their stuff. I will definitely check them out next go round.
  2. Kev, what are your top 5 brews one can readily find at a CT liquor store? Starting to see some Fiddlehead and Night Shift brews down here.
  3. It's funny, usually with these strong southern stream systems I'm much more worried about the low coming in tucked at the last minute like March '17. Here with the fast flow and block it's the opposite. May be some surprises in either direction.
  4. Well this is lame. We're on to next week!
  5. that people are letting their moods be dictated by the fickleness of models like the NAM and GFS.
  6. lol, the mood in here the last day or so has been incredibly bipolar.
  7. Fast flow chaos. It's in, it's out, it's in, it's out! Still leaning towards a tucky outcome, but caution flags are up.
  8. GFS always tossed for nor'easters. Never trust that thing.
  9. Wiz couldn't take it any longer; lord he was crazed; when the feeling came up on him like a tidal wave; started swearing to his god and on his mother's grave that we would snow until the end of time, he swore it'd snow until the end of time.
  10. Then we start talking about 1717 and Feb '15. Break out the scrolls and giddy up.
  11. Absolutely. Might have to go back to Jan '11 to find two events of this magnitude in such close temporal proximity.
  12. I'm pretty freaking stoked for this. Having Ryan and Wiz both bullish as well is not typical, and adds confidence.
  13. Me too. He's usually pretty darn conservative.
  14. Is that Paul's forecast or Snoop Dogg's proprietary model?
  15. Then it henceforth becomes the "Salted Wound" storm.
  16. I feel like that's a fairly common model bias. I don't know about the Canucks, but the GFS seems to do that regularly. I agree with your thinking vis-a-vis the Nam.
  17. Any similarity to that super fast one we had in '17? Sucker was in and out in about 8 hours and put down over a foot.
  18. Gfs is a nice look for my hood. Everything's coming up Milhouse!
  19. It wasn't over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, and it ain't over now.
  20. With a ten inch plus pack in place, we don't need big totals for it to feel like a big one.
  21. I have good memories of a deep pack and an impending thump during the SB. That one also featured Tom Brady and Gronk. Let's do this.
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