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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Didn't bother to measure, but can't have been much more than a half inch.
  2. Thin glaze on trees and bushes.
  3. Well, it's a pity this went to crap, but hard to be too sour with over 2 feet in the last 10 days.
  4. You put up 10" two days ago. Take a deep breath.
  5. This is smelling like a bust down here. Maybe it fills later, but not looking great at the moment.
  6. Things looking a little ugly on radar at the moment. Hopefully this gets its act together in the next hour or two.
  7. Starting to see better snow growth now. Went from pixie dust to decent flakes.
  8. I am. That would make me happy. It's like Stowe Village out there right now.
  9. You think? Ryan had me spooked last night.
  10. Light snow, to be washed away this afternoon.
  11. Stormsurge is just off New London on Fishers Island.
  12. Sweet. Hell of a gradient at my house. Slush at the office, 3-7" at my house just inland.
  13. That would be sweet, Steve. I feel like I've been transported to Stowe Village!
  14. Lol, Le Clos is such a cocky sh*t. Glad Phelps made him eat his wake.
  15. Looks like the best goodies head for those that were left out yesterday. Will be nice to see flakes on the air again, even if we flip to rain for a bit.
  16. Your area is probably fine. Way down here though we'll get southerly flow from the low and the high centered north of Bermuda.
  17. That high isn't in a great spot for locking in cold, at least on NAM and GFS.
  18. Stack a few inches in the best case scenario; bulletproof the pack in the worst.
  19. Man the Patriots look unstoppable here. Not a big fan of the new uniforms though.
  20. The last few inches I cleared off the driveway were much wetter than the first six inches of fluff this morning.
  21. It's a burden, but you handled it ably. Congrats on a solid 2 feet in the last week btw. Let's stack another foot this week.
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