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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Yeah, this feels like that kind of setup. Cold draining down the valley right to New Haven. Hopefully with all the limbs taken down by storms last summer, power loss risk will be somewhat mitigated.
  2. Oof. Do not like that look at all.
  3. Absolutely, they make delicious stuff. Headway is always in my fridge.
  4. @Damage In Tolland Thanks for the tip on the Fat Orange Cat dude. Having a "Baby Kittens" now and it's very good.
  5. Funny, I have no recollection of the one last year at all.
  6. We had a legit ice storm here maybe three years ago? At least .5" of accretion. Lots of trees and lines down.
  7. I'm guessing model temps in the valley are gonna bust too high. Ice ice baby.
  8. Man, 50" on the mulch in Taunton. What a sight that will be!
  9. Lol just checked out the GFS. That was a weenie run for the ages in SNE, even with a cutter.
  10. A little ice is no biggie, but I want no part of .5"+ accretion.
  11. I made the best return of my life buying deep OTM puts in GM in early Feb last year. The $25 strike was literally pennies. I got out a little early before it bottomed, but it was a pretty wild few weeks. Ditto for puts on Boeing and Southwest. Sadly my TSLA short didn't work out as well lol.
  12. Yeah that's incredible. Was 1899 the event that brought ocean effect snow to the Tampa area?
  13. I'm getting a nice taste of life in Stowe Village. These little refreshers every other day are the best! Now if only I had a 4k peak to ski in my back yard.
  14. Hope that blind squirrel finds a nut.
  15. It's funny how NNE folks grumble when we cash in down here. It's akin to how I feel when Richmond gets a foot and I'm smoking cirrus. "That's not how this is supposed to work! They stole my snow!"
  16. Keep it coming! I love these light refreshers every other day or so. Intersperse the occasional bigger system and I'll be dancing my way into Morch.
  17. Oh, thaaaat one. Yes, we've heard the stories of that nightmare.
  18. Time, devourer of all things. One could actually argue that black holes prey on both matter and time itself, at least from an outside observer's perspective.
  19. Cool. Yeah I was out and about in New Haven for most of the day, so didn't have a chance to get home before the melting and zr did their thing. Btw, do you have a sense of what our seasonal average snowfall is just inland? I figure New Haven is somewhere in the upper twenties, so maybe low thirties? Solid season this year, despite the January bust.
  20. Didn't bother to measure, but can't have been much more than a half inch.
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