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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. A solid SECS. IF temps in the DGZ looked better , we could pump up those numbers.
  2. 12 mile run with upper seventies dews. One star review. Would not recommend.
  3. These upper 70s dews are brutal.
  4. I get the sense that there's so much great real storm chaser footage out there these days that any CGI Hollywood production will prove anticlimactic. That said, I love the original.
  5. You’ll fit in well here, but be warned: emotions run high in here if there hasn’t been a warning event by early January.
  6. Just digging the vibe this summer. Hot days breaking with storms in the evening is totally my jam. Just need a little tropical intrigue in a month to top it off.
  7. Wiz gets stoked about dews and swass but poopoos a legit severe outbreak? What is going on? Too many 40s?
  8. My first weather memory is the '89 Hamden F4. Tingles.
  9. Yeah we’ve been socked in the clouds out here, which has helped keep things cool. Still dripping after mowing the lawn though. Wiz would be proud.
  10. The Sound is warming up quickly. Was too chilly to swim comfortably when I got to the island on Sunday. It's beautiful now. Couple of attractive girls sunbathing topless on a neighbor's dock doesn't hurt either. God I love summer. Happy 4th everyone.
  11. Hurricane season is coming.
  12. Kevin is doing meat spins on his deck right now. Gotta be stoked.
  13. Well that was fun. Best thunderstorm since the 2020 tornado here.
  14. Yeehaw!!! It's fooking roaring babY!
  15. Definitely hail pinging with this cell out in front of the line.
  16. I'm digging this summer so far. Heat with occasional cool downs and frequent storms. Feels a little like childhood.
  17. We’ve had three tornadoes since 2016 down here. Let’s rip a derecho through here tonight and clear out these remaining trees.
  18. I remember reading that a frozen mattress fell from the sky in Weymouth from that tornado. I have a hard time believing that, but that Worcester tornado was pretty incredible, so who knows.
  19. Sun's out guns out. Lets erode the cap.
  20. From my folks on Fishers. Cool clouds!
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