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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. My mother is a teacher, and having to both teach in person and conduct separate remote learning lessons with students who are either in quarantine or staying out of school for other reasons is like having a whole second job. The amount of extra prep work she has to do is unreal. She's working I-banking analyst type hours.
  2. Already starting to see a few early trees leaf out at Yale, particularly those immediately adjacent to buildings that get a lot of reflected light.
  3. I like Koepka too. He's sneaky good.
  4. I slipped a disk watching DeChambeau on the practice tee yesterday. Ridiculous power, weird mechanics.
  5. How appropriate you got yours scheduled on the 10 year anniversary of the greatest tornado outbreak of them all!
  6. Gentlemen, I wish to know your preferred Masters viewing beverage. John Daly? Julep? Pimms cup? Moscow mule? Dark/Stormy? Tom Collins? Rum punch? Inquiring minds want to know.
  7. 2016 still haunts Jordan IMO.
  8. Johnson or Day. DeChambeau will be in the running for a few rounds, but all that power will backfire at some point. Dark horse candidate: Tiger shows up as a fully rebuilt cybernetic organism with titanium spine and legs and whoops them all.
  9. Agree. We survived 100,000 years of ice age with primitive technology. The area we live in now was under a mile of ice 15,000 years ago. I think we'll manage.
  10. Didn't they have a record snowy January as well? That sounds like an awesome combo to me, crushing snowfall followed by straight slingshot into heavy heavy spring.
  11. Two Masters in one six month stretch. Does it ever get better than that?
  12. Sir, this is a Wendy's.
  13. Both sides shipping lots of tanks and artillery in by rail. Definitely a tense situation. On an unrelated note, got my vaccine appointment. One step closer to ending this nightmare.
  14. What is it, would you say, you do here?
  15. I found out today one of our contractors had it recently and went deaf! Never heard of that as a symptom before. Hope his ears come back.
  16. Ha, I remember that summer. I was a lifeguard and the pool was like 68 degrees for most of the season. Rained every day. Nobody swam. Probably easiest money I ever made.
  17. I don't know about the Powerwalls, but I've heard a lot of nightmare stories about Tesla's solar panel operation. Residential and commercial fires, skipped permitting, sub-standard installation, non-existent service etc. Here's a recent article that just came out a few days ago: https://www.businessinsider.com/tesla-solar-panel-fires-walmart-amazon-safety-regulator-investigation-foia-2021-3
  18. Do we have any peer-reviewed data on the efficacy of the vaccine against B117 or the P1 variant? I'm concerned they may be different enough to evade antibodies, but I haven't seen anything concrete yet.
  19. Cool. As long as you've done your research. I just have a lot of skepticism about the way Cathy runs things. She gives me vibes of some of the momentary celebrity tech fund managers of the late '90s that blew up in the recession. Recently she tends to sell down her higher quality liquid positions and double down on lower quality illiquid stuff, which could be trouble if they face a period of sustained redemption pressure. She also recently suspended concentration limits in her funds, which from a risk management perspective is a bit of a red flag. Her research notes usually don't have any real analytical underpinnings, just a bunch of GIGO models with silly assumptions. And I should point out that one of the biggest weightings of that space ETF you mentioned is another Ark ETF. That sort of double-dipping raises an eyebrow as well.
  20. Any thoughts on whether the ongoing unwind of Archegos could lead to a more general degrossing of hedge fund lending at prime brokers? Some risk officers are probably sweating this morning.
  21. I won't make a recommendation either way, but I would strongly strongly urge you to do your due diligence before putting money at risk.
  22. More Tiger Cubs blowing up?
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