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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Drought worries in NE are always ridiculous. We pour here. Lots of street flooding with blocked drAins.
  2. Bingo. Lot of boredom/emotional eating last year.
  3. Kudos Scott. I'm in the same boat. I usually put five to ten on in winter and lose it again come summer. It's been more like 20 this year. It gets exponentially more difficult to lose once I let myself go too far. Joints hurt a lot more when jogging for example. Spring usually brings more activity and better eating, but I have to make a more concerted effort to lose the gut this year.
  4. My hood has had more tornadoes than Oklahoma City in the last five years.
  5. Wtf couldn't we get that like three weeks ago? infuriating.
  6. Whelp, looks like I jinxed Schauffele. Kudos to zalatoris and Matsuyama.
  7. Yep, as soon as I said that he destroyed his momentum.
  8. Schauffele making moves. Zalatoris looking very impressive today as well.
  9. Stumbled across some more epic footage from the Midwest derecho.
  10. Yeah, I'm in the same camp. Haven't had a sniffle in sixteen years, so I assume I have a solid immune system. But I had virtually no reaction to the vaccine other than a two hour period of brain-fog, so not sure how to interpret that.
  11. Dude was dialed in today. Even recovered nicely on 18.
  12. Imagine him and DMX checking in at Thug Mansion together?
  13. Given the amount of time I spend in the sand, agree.
  14. Si Woo Kim putter snap FTMFW. Putting out with a wood like a boss.
  15. I've had no issues, but my coworker of the same age was out puking today because of it. Seems to be a fair amount of variability.
  16. Bingo. He is the king of all grifters.
  17. Obesity is almost certainly a significant part of the reason we've been hit so hard as a country. I'm not sure shaming the obese is effective, but not trying to spin it as healthy (as some media are wont to do) seems reasonable to me.
  18. Sames to vary quite a bit. My mom had almost no reaction to the second shot beyond a little fatigue; dad was like a two day flu virus. He was down and out.
  19. I've seen Tesla's "Summon" feature scrape the shit of the car while performing the simple act of backing out of a garage, so there's no way I would let Elon Musk anywhere near my brain lol. That said, the exponential growth of various technologies will certainly bring some remarkable--what we might even term miraculous now-- things to pass in the next decade. It would not surprise me in the least if, in 10 or 20 years, one swallows a pill of nano-bots whose task it is to pass through the blood stream and clear away plaques or senescent cells or rejuvenate telemeres. In terms of medical treatment, the advances in the next several decades may be quite stunning and radically improve both length and quality of life.
  20. My comment was meant to be taken in a facetious light. It's fair to have some trepidation; the hasty development timeline for the vaccines concerned me as well, so I guess going forward with it was a matter of how I personally weigh the risks. I've known a few people that died and several more who had pretty severe cases in the last year, so I felt I'd rather take my chances with the vaccine, even if there are longer term risks.
  21. Jab one is in the arm. No horns sprouting or new superpowers yet.
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