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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. But the Fed sees no inflation (eyes roll).
  2. Correct. Marlowe American Pale Ale.
  3. New England saves the day?
  4. The market is nuts. Historical valuation extremes, record margin debt, huge inflationary moves in commodities, ridiculous year over year price appreciation in real estate. More and eyebrow raising things coming to light every day. See the $100 million deli in Jersey, or the guy who made a crypto coin called SCAM the other day that immediately became worth $70 million. This sort of speculative excess rarely fizzles without a bang. No idea what the catalyst would be, or if there even needs to be one at this point, but even an '87 style crash wouldn't surprise me at this point. Paper thin liquidity and massive margin debt and record long positioning could be quite spectacular in reverse.
  5. I like my sugar with coffee and cream.
  6. Jan '04 for me. Curious to find out whether that means a nasty reaction to Moderna round 2 in a few weeks. We'll see.
  7. Yale doing the same for students. Waiting on a decision for faculty, staff and outside contractors.
  8. Decent thunder, a few good flashes, torrential downpours and a few light gusts. About what one could hope for in April. Tors can wait.
  9. Nice mammatus with this departing storm. Torrential rain and a few lightning strikes on Stein's grave.
  10. Single malt from October to April, gin and tonic all summer. I also like to put a very thin slice of cucumber in my g+t; makes for a very refreshing note with lime and a little mint.
  11. 1,200 calories intake plus exercise? I'd look like I'd just escaped Auschwitz in a month or two.
  12. It still infuriates me that our money went to bailing out the airlines after they spent ten years using all their free cash flow to buy back their stock and get executive options packages in the money. They left nothing for a rainy day. We should've let them go bankrupt and restructure. The idea that we have a "free market" is a joke at this point.
  13. Yeah, one of those self-destructive days. No showers yet, but the sky certainly looks like it could produce.
  14. Absolutely spectacular out. Trees on the verge of leafing out any day now.
  15. The miasma of BO and Axe hanging so heavy in the air you can taste it...Get those windows open!
  16. Lol if someone posted a still shot from the BOX radar without a date on it, I'd probably guess it was from a dying cat 1 cane. Wild stuff.
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