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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. lol I have some neighbors out here for whom that is quite literally true. Got rich pre-Revolution and kept the ball rolling for 250 years.
  2. This is what happens when "don't fight the Fed" and "BTFD" become the mantras of the day. People have come to truly believe securities only go up, then margin their accounts to accentuate returns (because why not?). Ultimately they'll end up ruined and the Fed will either lose the power to keep all its bubbles inflated or permanently annihilate our currency bailing out all the irresponsible risk takers for the umpteenth time.
  3. Yes, my grass has been dealing with the stress by growing an inch a day. It's horrible.
  4. Ditto here on Fishers. Very comfortable; plenty of sun today.
  5. Apparently the guy who created Asscoin is now a billionaire. What a world. I'm starting to believe in simulation theory.
  6. They will still come hat in hand begging for a bail out when things get tough again.
  7. Absolutely spectacular out. Cannot top this. Not no way, not no how.
  8. Wonder if we see another Archegos style blow up today. Gotta be at least a few overleveraged players in crypto blowing up.
  9. BTC at $30k. What a dump the last few weeks. How many margined investors are getting their asses handed to them today?
  10. These crypto crashes often have preceded general market corrections by a month or so. I'll be curious to see if history repeats.
  11. Are you the shoeshine boy for this cycle?
  12. For sure. I was interested to see UBS expects the 10 year to yield 1.9% by the end of June. Take with a grain of salt, but if it does play out that way you would probably see some fireworks.
  13. As they have every single day for the last year. It's ridiculous.
  14. Russell retested the diamond wedge from beneath. It's setup for a big flush IMO. Reminds me of a more compressed version of Boeing's chart in the lead up to COVID last year.
  15. Hay Harbor Club course at Fishers Island. It's a great little 9 holer. Often overlooked due to the world-class course at the other end of the island, but HHC is fantastic fun. It is private, but I doubt anyone would stop you if you jumped on the course in the evening or early morning. Here's a picture looking back from the green on the 2nd hole. Tee box is tucked over at the far right by the water. Very challenging hole.
  16. If you tee off the third with the same ball as the second, you're doing well in my book lol.
  17. There's a sight for sore eyes. I miss the little pine trees that used to dot the rough between 5 and 7, which always helped me locate my drive in the deep stuff lol.
  18. Giddy up. What a great stretch it's been.
  19. They f up deliveries to our office daily. I'm with you.
  20. I like your style. Zacapa is fantastic.
  21. The guy faked a leveraged buyout of Tesla and the SEC settled. If there was ever a case that warranted an instant D&O ban and federal charges, that was it. Is it any wonder that he feels above the law?
  22. I keep hearing that crypto is the new gold, meaning an inflation hedge. Didn't look like it yesterday lol. As for Tesla, they just lost their chief source of paper profitability with Stellantis no longer needing to buy billions of credits. Their reputation in China is trash now, as reflected by plunging sales last month, their factory in Berlin has been put on hold due to construction permit and labor violations and their market share is getting eroded by dozens of new EV entrants. I also don't believe for a second that they've managed their supply chain issues when the big boys are all having issues. And the stock is still almost $3,000 on a pre-split basis. If I hadn't been smoked by the gamma squeeze last year, I'd be sorely tempted to start shorting this pile of dung again.
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