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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Yeah, that was my thought as well. I ain't biting lol.
  2. Huh, and yet my yard is as green as it was in May.
  3. Went through a bottle of this a few months ago. Delish.
  4. It's August 12th, dude. Also, the suppressive phase you keep referring to for September is only a possibility and likely would not last more than a few weeks over the WATL. The West African Monsoonal circulation will likely still have sufficient atmospheric favorability during that period in place regardless. Which means any strong AEW could still develop. But again, any month in advance for MJO and you're trying to bank that against peak climo around the second week of Sept. In that respect, you're likely going to lose at those odds unless the overall seasonal trends are inactive and downward. They do not appear to be; and EVEN if September experiences a longer than normal period of inactivity, that's almost three weeks away while MJO would hypothetically remain favorable. Idub23 downplaying is just about the most bullish signal for Atlantic canes there is. I still remember him declaring the Atlantic dead like a week before Harvey, Irma, Jose and Katia starting blowing up in '17. One of the more epic bad calls of all time on this board.
  5. Watching a few distant lightning bolts across the water. Congrats to everyone who cashed in!
  6. Yeah, we release them. We've been reeling in a ton of them and porgies using squid and clams. It wouldn't occur to me to keep them for eating. Occasionally we'll keep the porgies if they're big enough and make fish cakes, but we're really more interested in bagging stripers.
  7. Gorgeous day for all outdoor activities on Fishers today. Had a midday weenie roast with my nephews out at the Race and lots of water activities. Now watching the evening sailing races with a g&t. Long live summer!
  8. My bro and I pulled in quite a few dogfish surf-casting after sunset last night. No stripers biting though.
  9. Is there such a thing as foreshadowing in meteorology?
  10. I used to hit up an awesome spot called Pu Pu Hot Pot in Cambridge. Unappetizing name, awesome food.
  11. Hope you're caught up on sleep. I suspect we'll be up for late night model runs at some point in the next month or two.
  12. Yeah, gonna sort of disagree with you there.
  13. Same. It looks to be a comfortable stretch. We're rapidly approaching that time of year where you start noticing that the sun feels less intense, too.
  14. Certainly feels stormy. Dark and breezy out there. Impressive stuff down in Jersey. They can keep it.
  15. Anyone here have any good resources on the May '85 Pennsylvania tornado outbreak? That seems like a pretty extraordinary event and I'd love to read up on it. Thanks in advance.
  16. China Evergrande looking increasingly shaky. That could be a black swan, a Chinese Lehman event if it goes bust.
  17. Did you get that sound like someone driving a nail into a sheet of tin with the strike? That's what happened when lightning hit my house a few years back. Loud metallic pop, followed by earth shattering boom and chunks of siding blowing off.
  18. Not surprised. I've been dealing with similar issues at work since Elsa. Portable sumps must be in short supply.
  19. That's a lot of rain, dude. Good thing you live on a hilltop.
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