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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. He's a pro. I'm sure he's well situated.
  2. Siesta Key beach cam is pretty wild. Water over the whole beach and waves occasionally bumping the lifeguard stations. Glad my grandmother decided to take shelter inland.
  3. Impressive wind on Fishers driving the water into the Sound. The tide is several feet above normal. Had to rescue the paddle board before it floated away.
  4. Superb weather today. The Sound was still warm enough for a nice long swim.
  5. A few months of dews is fine by me. Gets old by September through, especially 75 degree ones.
  6. These dews can eff right off. I'm done with this Key West shit.
  7. Any reason we should keep an eye on that convection in the Bahamas? To my weenie eye it has a slight cyclonic tendency. Probably sheared to hell though.
  8. Wtf is with all this Mumbai mumbo jumbo?
  9. Good. I’m tired of mowing every four days. Grass just won’t stop.
  10. It's quite rare to contract, but life altering at the least if you get it. My uncle's mother got EEE and it made her a vegetable the rest of her life.
  11. I was rather astounded to see several maples with rather robust color driving around this morning. I'm not ready.
  12. Evidently Trillium has started doing limited distribution.
  13. Thank God. It's been a little Stein around here.
  14. Yeah Bob did wild damage out here. Docks smashes, maples flattened, beaches rearranged.
  15. A friend of my cousin was spearfishing off Race Rock and had a juvenile great white come at him recently. Had to stab it several times to get it to back off. Probably attracted to the fish he had tied to his belt. First time I've ever heard of great whites being around Fishers.
  16. Any decent surf coming in the next day or two? Would love to catch a few waves before heading back to the mainland.
  17. I did speculate space junk as a possibility lol
  18. Some awesome CG across the water towards Mystic
  19. Also, anyone hear about a plane crash in SECT? I saw something fiery spiral out of the sky when I was on the water earlier. Set fire on the ground wherever it came down too. Didn’t see anything on local news.
  20. Nice shelf cloud came across the Sound. Pouring now. Big whitecaps on the water.
  21. Kicking off the heavy rain early here. Great storm under way!
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