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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. We have approximately 5.7 million miles of electrical distribution line in the U.S. At a rough cost of 1 to 1.5 million per mile to bury them, it would cost roughly our entire accumulated national debt from our founding to 2001, or roughly two full years of all U.S. tax revenues just for that one project. You're dreaming.
  2. Thank you for participating in this hurricane dry run. See you all for the real show in a few weeks.
  3. I regret that I have but one bleep to give for my country.
  4. It must've been the Cleveland storm. It happened between the big snow in mid-January and Feb '78.
  5. I was just thinking that. Imagine if a real major CV system is approaching in a few weeks. Nobody in CT is going to prepare. It'll be like the folks in Boston dismissing Feb '78 after the busted forecast in January.
  6. Oh look, stuck in subsidence. Good practice for winter.
  7. Tropical Spritzer Ennui?
  8. Light breeze with occasional drizzle. Looking made in the shade relative to 24 hours ago.
  9. Yes, sorry. When you gotta go, you gotta go.
  10. Really doesn't look half bad on satellite this morning.
  11. Lol, I thought the exact same thing when I got up and looked at the radar just now. It's uncanny how he can downplay himself into the thick of these things.
  12. Now that would be lol worthy. Just send it right to the Gulf of Maine to sputter out.
  13. What a starved looking thing this is.
  14. 1938 would knock us out of commission for several months.
  15. Why would the southeast coast have a lower probability than just inland?
  16. Given what I dealt with at work with Elsa's rain, I'm not looking forward to tomorrow.
  17. Halfway there and realized he left his wallet at home.
  18. I took a walk and came across a huge chunk of dead tree down in the road. Is it a bad sign that the trees are dropping before the storm even starts?
  19. I thought people in the Midwest were supposed to be nice?
  20. Yes, but she's eager to please?
  21. That guy from Jersey is already dug deep into his foxhole. He'll emerge in a few decades like one of those Japanese fighters that didn't know the war was over.
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