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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Some areas in NJ already reporting 8" amounts. Damn.
  2. You can really see the convection starting to pop north of the warm front. Someone is getting smoked in CT tonight. Maybe all of us.
  3. Would you care more if they buried their power lines?
  4. Agree. That's some impressive damage.
  5. Radar starting to light up across Long Island. It's go time.
  6. Yikes. I live on a hill, but wondering if I get my first wet basement since the winter of '06 tonight.
  7. Man, it really feels like the atmosphere is cooking something big up. Low level clouds are just screaming by. BTW, that supercell this morning off LI was incredible. I watched that thing for hours as it moved up the coast. Imagine if all of this had been displaced north 100 miles. Probably would've been a long track tornado.
  8. Are the mesos placing the warm front in a different spot from the globals? Which would one expect to perform better in this setup?
  9. Fortunately we dodged a few bullets here earlier this month. The heaviest from Fred and Henri went north, but 5"+ in a short window is going to cause plenty of problems.
  10. Ensemble getting pretty up there relative to climatology. WPC discussion notes the possibility for a high risk at some point, though most likely somewhere in PA. Gotta watch where the f-gen is strongest. Someone is going to get smoked where that moisture converges near the hung up front.
  11. Man, Stein just getting curb-stomped this summer. Ridiculous.
  12. There's a new disease going through the bird population that causes blindness, confusion and ultimately death. It's mainly been down south so far, but perhaps it's starting to show up here? We've been eschewing our bird bath and feeders this summer to cut down on the transmission risk.
  13. Poor New Orleans. I hope more people evacuated than prior to Katrina.
  14. This one's gonna be real trouble. Yikes.
  15. Nah, the summer two or three years ago blows this one away in my mind. My walls and banisters were sweating into October that year. Mold wanted to grow everywhere. I believe sites on Long Island obliterated their record for most hours with dews over 70. This one has been a walk in the park by comparison.
  16. That Fatboy Slim makes that even more epic. Awesome!!
  17. Used to get swimmer's ear all the time as a kid. The simple solution is to put a little isopropyl in your ears after you get out. It gets the water out and makes the environment too hostile for bacteria to take hold. Quarry swimming is special, but sadly frowned upon more and more nowadays. A friend and I sneaked into one up around Cape Ann years ago and got ushered out by the law. Speaking of special, I got back to Fishers yesterday and is the water is just beautiful in the Sound right now. Spent an hour just floating on the sandbar. Very few jellyfish. Neighbors were out with their kids on paddle-boards and setting up tables on their dock for a dinner party. Just a very summery scene.
  18. My brother in Berlin had a close call with the tornado earlier today. Couldn't have been more than a half mile from his house. Said he turned the news on and the weather man was zoomed in right over his house and saying to get in the basement. Grabbed his two kids and did just that.
  19. Are those Asian tiger mosquitoes up there yet? I see them at Fishers. They are super aggressive and fast.
  20. I just can't believe how green it is. Like mid-May in a wet spring.
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