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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. We need to round up a search party to find @Zeus. Pre-gaming a snowstorm just ain't right without him. He's been spending too much time with Hera.
  2. That one fujiwaraed and fire hosed us. It was awesome. Also, that what happens when you watch Pete Bouchard.
  3. There was a big storm a few years back where the models were latching onto nodes of convection and a multi-low structure. Similar to today, there was a lot of consternation in here that it was going to tug the system out to sea or cut off the conveyors. In reality, the western low wound up predominating, the convection was a non-factor and everyone got a big hit. I want to say it was the Jan '18 blizzard, but I can't say for sure. Anyone remember? Will?
  4. What can I say about Reggie, that hasn't already been said about Afghanistan? It looks bombed out and depleted.
  5. You ain't kidding. 940s as it moves through Canada.
  6. Yeah, I'm cool as a cucumber personally. Fairly comfortable with a 3-6" type deal. If we do better, great. If we do worse, less to worry about at the office. Season is still young.
  7. There were a couple busts in March '18 down here that got me close, but 2010 was special in that department.
  8. That was a special melt. They were busing people out of the radioactive exclusion zone in eastern Mass. for weeks after that one.
  9. Not exactly sure either, but the hail just illustrates the tremendous lift in that band. Perhaps @CT Rain can elaborate?
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