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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Too late my Stein has come sent shivers down my spine lawn is baking all the time.
  2. You'd find more cheer in a graveyard.
  3. I would fully support a rerun of March '12.
  4. Don't worry, folks. Sunburns, sundresses and ice cold cocktails on the deck are right around the corner.
  5. Ditto. My flagstones to the front door were very icy underneath the slush. Just nasty out there. Let's give it the boot and get some real winter in here.
  6. That was the nastiest jog I've done in a long time. About an inch of supersaturated slush squirting out with every footfall. Shoveling the driveway was about as close to that .gif of the guy shoveling rain as it's possible to get.
  7. On a more serious note, I hear Lighthouse Point gusted 70. It's not windy here at all, oddly enough.
  8. Decent rippage at the moment. Hoping we can hold on for another hour or two and bag 2-3"
  9. I just want one without a g-d high diving towards Bermuda. Give me a decent freaking cold source to work with.
  10. It may not stick around, but every inch counts towards the seasonal total.
  11. Yes! I noticed that cool chirping noise while I was out today as well.
  12. If I were deprived of all modeling data and just had to rely on satellite imagery, I would think we're about to get smacked. C'est la vie.
  13. Cool does not begin to capture that. Wow.
  14. That's incredible. I remember reading stories of people hearing the Tambora blast in Europe, but I always assumed it was apocryphal.
  15. Wow, apparently people heard that Tonga eruption all the way in Sidney!! That's unreal.
  16. I think nuclear will be coming back into vogue eventually. It's reliable, pretty darn safe, and no carbon emissions.
  17. Don't forget we just shut down two nuclear facilities. That takes a lot of supply out of the grid too.
  18. And to think we have one of the world's greatest natural gas producing regions a mere few hundred miles away, but it's considered environmentally untenable to have a pipeline, so instead we have to ship it via international LNG carriers, which are heavily favoring Europe due to higher prices. Talk about shooting ourselves in the foot.
  19. I remember feeling intensely jealous of Albany for much of my childhood, so they must’ve done well in the 90s.
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