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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Damn, crushing it dude. Looking at maybe 4 here.
  2. Welp, I've seen enough. Best of luck to you all.
  3. Send some my way, dude! Subsidence is crushing me!
  4. I can live vicariously through Reed T's livestream on the Cape.
  5. Blech, subsidence. Visibility way up, tiny flakes.
  6. Subby hole trying to open up near me? What goes up in eastern CT must come down WOR?
  7. Lol, just a nice cosmic dildo to Corey for cancelling his flight home.
  8. Nice wintry appeal out, with occasional gusts. Kind of a curiously uniform radar presentation. I mean sure you can see some banding, but I expected to see some heavier returns south of Long Island with a storm of this size. No death bands in evidence as yet anywhere. Perhaps convection is in fact robbing us of some dynamics?
  9. I'll say this: this doesn't look like the antecedent radar of Jan '15. That one really backed into CT off the water from the southeast. Looks a little more like 2013.
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