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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Maybe, but if France and Germany are involved, it rapidly becomes a NATO issue.
  2. China is watching how this unfolds to see whether we'll do anything about Taiwan. The world order is going to be tested.
  3. Looks like that Russian son of a bitch is going into Ukraine tonight in earnest. This could get out of hand quickly.
  4. Yeah, been busting my hump at work. Haven't had much time to check in. 4-8" would be great and get me solidly above climo for the season.
  5. Wait, wtf? Am I in the game? I figured this was a sleet to rainer down here.
  6. I agree. That was an amazing ten minutes. Lowest visibility I’ve ever seen from snow.
  7. Dude, this is insane. It came in so fast. It's like that fog in Game of Throne when the White Walkers are approaching. Unreal.
  8. Holy shit. This is the highlight of my winter. Heaviest snow I’ve ever seen. Just instant wall.
  9. My bro is driving up to Tupper Lake and said it was real white-knuckle conditions in the Saratoga area. Lots of cars off the road.
  10. Looks like an empty blew out my recycling bin and landed ten feet away. We'll wait for the survey team, but I'm thinking solid EF2 right?
  11. I don't think I've ever seen you post something optimistic. Weenie this comment if you're writing this under duress.
  12. Possible, but I doubt anybody alive in the Boston area will see 90" in three weeks again. The return rate for something like that has to be astronomical.
  13. Different winter in Steve's neighborhood.
  14. If I remember right, the Coast Guard had to bring in ice breakers to make a path for the ferry from Hingham at one point.
  15. It's Hampshire Street in the Kendall Square area, about two blocks up from CBC. It was magical that morning after the last big storm, like being in some village in the Alps or something.
  16. Damn. Helluva month for the RI and SE Mass crowd.
  17. My ground was totally bare yesterday. I will take anything I can get at this point.
  18. I love this kind of snow. Just clinging to every little twig.
  19. Man is it gorgeous out. Blue skies, little breeze, sun has some warmth to it. If winter is done, I'll take this for the next month.
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