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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Looks like wild grape vines? That stuff is everywhere down here, along with Virginia Creeper. Grows so fast and a pain to get rid of. Good luck!
  2. Silly question, but what's generating the swells? I don't see any significant storms in the basin.
  3. Just can't squeeze a drop out these days. And I'm not talking about an inflamed prostate.
  4. The Severe Thunderstorm Enervation and Inhibition Node in CT is holding strong once again.
  5. Felt like Key West down here the last few days. High Risk Swass days.
  6. Just get these fookin dews out of here. Need a break.
  7. A couple rumbles from the cell over the Sound, but that's it so far.
  8. It is oppressive. We better be able to squeeze a decent storm out of this atmosphere.
  9. Ugh, of course my dad would be camping in the northern ADKs tonight.
  10. That was a brutal 6 miles this morning. Jesus. Welcome to Key West.
  11. I was so pumped to see the "severe weather expected" signs on all the highways before Irene and Sandy.
  12. Nice structure on the cell north of Albany.
  13. That would be me. Actually haven't had too many issues so far. Did take a long time to stop sweating after my run yesterday though.
  14. Ain't no sunshine when Stein's gone It's not warm when he's away Ain't no sunshine when Stein's gone and my grass just grows too long anytime he goes away.
  15. Anyone got a boat? Maybe some spouts over the Sound? Nice structure on radar.
  16. Heavenly. More of this, please.
  17. I was gonna say, my experience with that type of grass has been that it's nearly always brown.
  18. Glad to hear it, Steve! We had a farm dog that lost a leg to a combine when I was a kid and after a few months it was just as spry as ever. Amazingly adaptable creatures.
  19. With the exception of Napatree Point, yes.
  20. Doesn’t look too outlandish for mid-July to me. Seasons in seasons.
  21. Ha, “Why don’t you step into my van and let me show you my meat?”
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