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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Anyone else hear weird-sounding thunder last night? It would start, suddenly stop, then start again. It did this several times.
  2. Classic summer day here. First time the dews really asserted themselves.
  3. Looks like a wet evening incoming down here. Stein denied. Mushrooms everywhere.
  4. Ha, if only there were a trigger to break through the cap, an air parcel would rise at approximately 10% the speed of light.
  5. It is amazeballs out today. Wow is it nice.
  6. WTF is going on on that can? Alcohol induced hunting accident? Fending off a home invasion? Straight up murder? Dew was hardcore back in the day. Did the guy kill the Hawaiian Punch spokesman first? He's wearing his hat.
  7. We're dawning clear, which normally would make me giddy on a potential severe day. However, given my proximity to the Sound, and the wind likely to be out of the south later, I assume my goose is still cooked for severe chances?
  8. Sold to close my last ARKK puts the other day. Still can’t believe Cathy is drawing inflows. Until the BTFD class gets totally wiped out—and I’m speaking across many asset classes—we’re not bottoming. since people are talking about asymmetric risk/reward speculations, you might take a look at some AAPL puts. It’s the last general standing and option premia are remarkably reasonable. Caveat emptor always applies.
  9. Am I the only one who feels like it's been just exceptionally windy the last month? I have no idea if there's any statistical support for that, but it feels like it's been constant.
  10. That's why Kevin had to stop drinking DIPAs before his morning jog. Unpredictable explosive sharts.
  11. That is disturbing. We do quarterly inspections of all sprinkler systems and fire panels. For our larger commercial spaces, we do weekly pump tests to make sure all the equipment is ready to rock. I can't even imagine letting that stuff just go offline.
  12. That's the best footage I've seen since the Katy, OK video a few years back. Wow!
  13. Absolutely gorgeous now. Birds are singing, grass is greening up, full sun and pushing 60.
  14. You're at your seasonal high now? How often does that happen in April?
  15. I'm not sure if this technically touched New England, but we got pretty close in '98.
  16. What a freaking round by McIlroy. And what a way to end it!
  17. I thought today was supposed to be sunny and warm. Was I completely out to lunch? Chilly, windy and overcast.
  18. If it's the same one I'm thinking of, it was a great storm. We had a lot of banged up cars in Cambridge.
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