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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Awesome. Good luck! I'm sure it's going to be memorable.
  2. Where you gonna set up for your chase? Louisbourg area?
  3. Incredible. Lucky thing that's a fairly sparsely populated part of the world.
  4. Was I in a coma? I thought this was headed into the Yucatán or Florida panhandle?
  5. Yeah, we're in whatever the hurricane equivalent of Stein is. "Bob Hoped"?
  6. Yeah, that is extraordinary. Don't want that. But we don't get cat 5s up here either.
  7. Is it effed up that I'm jealous? I mean, I know a similar hit down here would probably put me in the dark for three weeks and require filing insurance claims and a whole lot of other headaches, but goddam I still want this beast.
  8. Insane. I believe the Euro had a few runs prior to Sandy in the upper 920s, and it bottomed around 940. Perhaps a similar situation here? Or maybe because it’s further north there’s a higher ceiling?
  9. Awesome. There’s some great lightning with this, too!
  10. Decent little storm. Purpling lightning, strong wind, some cool SLCs. Enjoyable!
  11. You gonna chase? Not many opportunities to see something that strong.
  12. Yeah, quite a hit for the Canucks on some of these runs.
  13. Flooding is going to be atrocious with that long fetch out of the south. Of course, Stein will still argue that the island is in serious drought.
  14. Still amazing to me that ‘38 surf broke the first floor windows of that house. I mean it’s way up there on that bluff.
  15. By some strange coincidence I had this song stuck in my head all day yesterday, despite not having listened to it in a decade.
  16. Been watching the satellite loop for a few minutes. Obviously the LLC has a counterclockwise spin, but anyone else think that hot tower to its east has something of a clockwise spin presentation to it? Weird.
  17. One of my favorite weather memories, even though we didn't actually get a storm. Just really drove home how much power these things have to stir up water like that.
  18. That's an excellent point. Bill was approaching more or less straight out of the south, right? I still remember when the surf from that one first showed up. Our place on Fishers Island faces CT, so no direct exposure to the Atlantic. We were on our beach having a bonfire and a freak wave came in out of nowhere and totally snuffed the fire, soaked us to our knees, and pulled our cooler out into the Sound. That was when I realized what was happening. I hopped in the car and drove over to the Atlantic side of the island. You could hear the waves well before the ocean came into view--or rather you could hear the enormous waves sucking the rocks off the beach into the water as they receded. Biggest surf I've ever seen by a country mile. You could also see the outermost bands of Bill on the southern horizon, with lightning flashing against the night sky.
  19. That would be awesome. Bill level wave action?
  20. Cool. Newfoundland to New Orleans. The goalposts are narrowing.
  21. Shall we talk about how my grass has resurrected remarkably since the demise of Stein instead?
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