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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. The sound is lighting up. Looks like Fishers might get some sweet squalls.
  2. It's snowing, baby! Baby, she's snowin'!
  3. And usually with quite a bit of Crown Royal in him. Here’s to many more, Jerry!
  4. Ironically, pretty much only for major hurricanes.
  5. Game on in Buffalo. Lots of thundersnow.
  6. November 17, 2014 there was an epic lake effect event in Buffalo. Three months later, we got ours. Let’s hope for a repeat performance this year.
  7. Thanks for all your hard work on this, Ray. I look forward to digging into this over the weekend!
  8. Absolutely awesome day. We install, we fill the pool, we go braless.
  9. Effing morons. I’d also like to point out they’re using a petroleum based product to glue themselves down. Hell, the clothes they wear is probably made of petroleum products. These people all holler about a cost of food and fuel crisis, which is in part driven by a decade of underinvestment in fossil fuels. Crop yields would be a fraction of what they are without petroleum byproduct fertilizers.
  10. I've seen them in my house in December. But then I live in the malarial swamps of southern CT, so not all that surprising.
  11. Yes, makes them more palatable. Those things are all gristle.
  12. Yeah, I'd probably ask for seconds of haggis before tucking into that.
  13. I’m very skeptical we’ve seen the bottom. Anything is possible, but if QT stays on autopilot, I have a hard time seeing sustained gains. We haven’t had a real blowout in credit spreads yet or a crescendo of equity selling. Very orderly year. This feels a bit like 2000-2002 so far. Protracted bear with a lot of big countertrend rallies and false starts. Markets also tend to bottom after the Fed goes into an easing cycle, not while they’re still hiking. I don’t think they’re going to back down from talking tough on inflation either. Powell doesn’t want to be Burns reincarnated. I’d also add that crushing economic activity through hikes and a strong dollar suppresses oil demand and may be a sneaky way for our government to undermine Russia’s ability to fund its war.
  14. Amazingly, they’re still putting out great tunes two decades later.
  15. Really on the receiving end of the ol' cosmic dil today. Awful weather.
  16. Nice to see there's a Dispatch fan here! The lead vocalist, Chad, is a cousin of mine. My bro and I went to their "final" concert at the Hatch back in '04. Wild scene with like 100k plus people there.
  17. Bon voyage PR at the end of the GFS today.
  18. Yep, spectacular today. Perfect jogging this morning with the dew and general autumnal splendor. Enjoy, Steve!
  19. Cute little homebrew fuji into Maine too.
  20. The maples have been pretty spectacular this season. Didn’t expect such good color with all the Stein over the summer.
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