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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. This is way less painful than the one a couple years back since we're not obliterating a foot of pack.
  2. Did anyone notice that 1064 mb high dropping into Montana on the Euro? That's gotta be close to a record. Beer can crushing pressure.
  3. Everything from Cleveland Superbomb to whiff on the table. Just happy to see a lot of powerful solutions at this range. I won't start fretting over this until Monday.
  4. We all like boobs, but I swear to God if I see that shit on a weather map this winter I'll lose it.
  5. It has been a minute in these parts. I think we’ll be spreading the wealth before this pattern breaks down.
  6. Ray always talks about regression. Well, we’ve had a lot of warm, wet, shitty Christmases in recent years. Perhaps we’re due to regress via a blizzard this year. The Grinch will learn the true meaning of Christmas and chuck tropopause folds and thundersnow and snow to thy knickers from his sleigh.
  7. An extraordinary feat, but you can see how even rudimentary models could sniff that out given the hemispheric scale of the features involved.
  8. And you want to be my latex salesman…
  9. The goofus never got on board for that one, but Euro was all over it. Back when it was the King.
  10. Pretty rare for the models to latch on in the long range and never waver. March ‘17 rings a bell, and the ‘16 mid Atlantic blizzard too. But I can’t think of any since.
  11. And all on top of like a 30” base. The pictures I took after that just make me shake my head in amazement. In fact I believe my avatar picture is one of them.
  12. One of my all time favorite beat downs. Cantore going insane in Plymouth with the thunder snow was icing on the cake.
  13. And you’ll probably account for 90% of them the way things are going.
  14. George, you could probably get the same pattern as ‘14-‘15 a hundred times and not get an outcome that good again. That was a freak occurrence. Just be glad you got to live through it.
  15. Last winter was bad? Didn’t you get blasted by a historic blizzard?
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