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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. I'm on the March '12 train at this point. If we can't pull snow, lets at least get some babes in summer dresses out in the parks.
  2. Except we can't pull off a decent derecho.
  3. Last winter blew. I'm with you there.
  4. You joke, but I actually do have a flock of lime green parakeets living in my neighborhood. Probably two dozen of them at least.
  5. Same here, but I had to put packing peanuts through my snowblower first.
  6. Really excited for the rain tomorrow. My daffodils and dandelions are thirsty.
  7. Oh for sure. Cold and dry sucks in the winter, but wet and warm is worse.
  8. Remember when we were lamenting how dry it was last summer? Lol.
  9. There are likely dozens of Madoff scale frauds out there right now. A decade of low interest rates, easy money and massive speculation is a perfect incubator. If the Fed follows through with keeping rates high and forcing a recession this year, we’ll find out who’s been swimming naked.
  10. Yeah, it reminded me of a high school lacrosse game I was at where a player took a shot to the chest and went into arrest. Fortunately CPR brought him back. Scary stuff.
  11. Folks were playing at the New Haven Country Club yesterday. I also saw blooming dandelions and daffodils coming up. This weather is confusing.
  12. You still have snow? My daffodils are coming up. No joke.
  13. The bazooka is the absolute worst. Sorry, Kev. Get well soon!
  14. Fishers getting blasted with ocean effect. My house isn't winterized, but maybe if I throw a space heater in the car I can still get my white Christmas...Tempting.
  15. Massive tree fell on my relative’s former residence in Watertown. Gotta be a good 80 foot pine.
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