Yeah I'm about as far south as you can go in town, a little north of East Rock. That sudden transition you describe is super cool. I'm not surprised they were ripping some fatties up by Broken Arrow. That area is the Lunenburg of Hamden.
Yeah, I mean maybe he said that because this storm does a loop de loop like 1888, but it's a totally different air mass and the system doesn't have that bent back north/south oriented front feature.
Just hoping we can get under some really good dynamics. I'd offer my left nut, but I already sacrificed it for Feb '13. Can't offer up the other or I'll look like Lord Varys.
I just get the feeling this storm is going to precipitate a nuclear meltdown. We've got a positive void coefficient and the core is dangerously close to critical.
That gradient from zero to like 30” between BDL and Salisbury is hilarious. But it doesn’t matter. We all know our fate rests in the capable hands of the JMA.