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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. If EPS continue to be well west, we can get cautiously excited. Also, Euro has been southeast with almost all nor'easters this season and has trended NW with time.
  2. I like the idea of a last minute correction like that one. That was a classic "not happening, James" system where spacing and other subtle problems looked to skunk a great opportunity, but then it came roaring back in one modeling cycle and ushered in three weeks of epicosity. I agree with you that the n/s vort could well be underdone given its source region. We've seen these things trend stronger on a few occasions this year.
  3. "It's the new future." Said during every bubble ever. Remember when they were euphorically calling for Dow 100,000 in 1999?
  4. How are you arriving at your projected price? What do you use as a valuation method? Blockchain as a technology is interesting, but Bitcoin as a currency or reliable store of value seems flawed. This screams bubble to me.
  5. Actually just found this old series of stills from after the storm a mile or so from my hood. Winter wonderland.
  6. New Haven area. Picked up a quick 15 or 16 on top of the already robust pack, but had blinding thundersnow for a few hours overnight. Probably more memorable because the models failed so badly and were projecting 4-8 sloppy inches.
  7. This was a fun one. Big positive bust and some of the heaviest snow I've ever seen. Jan '11 was great. Never thought I'd see it exceeded, especially not just four years later.
  8. Great storm, but most incredible and horrifying subsidence near PVD I've ever seen. Toaster bath stuff.
  9. You wouldn't have any saved radar images of the 2011 norlun would you? Think it was around 1/7 or 1/8. That was a fun event down here.
  10. I remember the quick hitter that dropped 14" or so, and the disappointment of the march storm flipping to sleet/freezing rain after about 10". Bulletproof stuff though.
  11. What a storm that was. I would've given anything to have been back home in Hamden for that one. It was awesome in Boston, too, but my mother called excitedly during that mega band to say it was hailing and she couldn't even see across the street. I told her it was called sleet, but apparently she was actually technically correct haha. Wish she'd measured the snowfall rate. Bet it was 4-5"/hr. And who could forget that NAM run that popped like 60"+ accumulations? Ah, memories. It's been an amazing few years in the storm department. I never thought I'd see a period like late December '10 through January '11 again. I mean, Boxing Day, 9" norlun, two feet on Jan 12th, and 15" Jan 27 is tough to beat. And who could imagine that we'd have Feb '13, the crazy March '13 firehose, the frigid zero degree storms of '14 and the endless paradisiacal glory that was late January through mid-Feb '15? I've actually lost track of how many 12"+ snows I've seen over the last five years. Last winter sort of became a blur with the mega-SWFE and the 100 hour thing and the ocean effect enhancement and mood flakes every day. Glory days, no question.
  12. I was five years old and I actually remember thinking how odd it was to have snow on Turkey Day. On another note, does anyone remember how low the pressure got in that late March Cape storm in '14? I remember it was a monster at sea and just kind of scraped the islands with blizzard conditions. Was just trying to imagine what it could've been if it had phased a bit earlier.
  13. I pine for it. Sad to think I'll probably never see anything close to it again, and that I'm so jaded now that I'll have to go to the high Sierras to be impressed by deep snow cover.
  14. Yep, i remember watching it in a field in Middlebury, Vt. Fantastic show.
  15. Of course, but does seem to accord with your earlier comment regarding ridiculous southeast MA jack.
  16. That's the most insane Euro output I can remember. Significant society disrupter if that plays out verbatim.
  17. How was the flight? See anything of note from 35k feet?
  18. I think you'll be obliterated, even if you do slot for a bit. Gonna be epic down there!
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