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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Wouldn't it be great to celebrate the 25th anniversary of one of the greatest winter storms in history with a crushing encore performance?
  2. If you get a clean phase, absolutely possible. the +PNA and block would certainly argue for it in that event.
  3. If you look at the GOES16 northern hemisphere water vapor, our northern stream looks like it's about to nosedive off a cliff. You can really see the squeeze of the rising PNA and the block taking shape. http://weather.cod.edu/satrad/exper/?parms=global-northernhemi-08-48-0-100-1&checked=map
  4. Yeah, no bueno with the ongoing power issues. The tree damage is pretty remarkable. I have a few neighbors that had trees come through the roof like you did. Arbor vitae, cedars, white pines and old maples for the loss.
  5. Yeah, I'm confident we get it. The Euro has been too far southeast in the midrange with almost all our storms this winter. I could see one more big move northwest with a better phase and then it'll lock in.
  6. If EPS continue to be well west, we can get cautiously excited. Also, Euro has been southeast with almost all nor'easters this season and has trended NW with time.
  7. I like the idea of a last minute correction like that one. That was a classic "not happening, James" system where spacing and other subtle problems looked to skunk a great opportunity, but then it came roaring back in one modeling cycle and ushered in three weeks of epicosity. I agree with you that the n/s vort could well be underdone given its source region. We've seen these things trend stronger on a few occasions this year.
  8. "It's the new future." Said during every bubble ever. Remember when they were euphorically calling for Dow 100,000 in 1999?
  9. How are you arriving at your projected price? What do you use as a valuation method? Blockchain as a technology is interesting, but Bitcoin as a currency or reliable store of value seems flawed. This screams bubble to me.
  10. Actually just found this old series of stills from after the storm a mile or so from my hood. Winter wonderland.
  11. New Haven area. Picked up a quick 15 or 16 on top of the already robust pack, but had blinding thundersnow for a few hours overnight. Probably more memorable because the models failed so badly and were projecting 4-8 sloppy inches.
  12. This was a fun one. Big positive bust and some of the heaviest snow I've ever seen. Jan '11 was great. Never thought I'd see it exceeded, especially not just four years later.
  13. Great storm, but most incredible and horrifying subsidence near PVD I've ever seen. Toaster bath stuff.
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