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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Yeah, still probably struggling with the nuances of the interaction with the n/s. The GFS isn't exactly known for handling these things with aplomb.
  2. Toss. I expect a wider precip field with the n/s interaction. I think the u-wind anomalies also argue more precip than shown.
  3. It's just a crying shame we can't get the northern stream to come down like a 100 miles further west. It's sort of kicking right now instead of getting a nice clean phase. Let's hope we see some favorable developments in that arena today.
  4. If you want a silver lining, my area was modeled to get about 15" in Feb '13 and we wound up with closer to a meter. You never know with these things.
  5. 12z is big today IMO. Everything should be sampled, so we in western wastes will need another 50 mile tick...unless the storm does its thing of throwing a deform farther west than modeled of course.
  6. The North American wv loop is just a garden of delights. You can see our southern stream pinwheeling through Missouri, our northern stream plunging down the Canadian prairie, our ridge pumping, our block pressing, and all sorts of interesting bits of vorticity pinwheeling around the skunked out corpse of last week's storm. Just beautiful.
  7. This is one of those deals where the western folks will agonize and lean on the non-hydrostatic models, hoping they're sniffing out a lot of convection pumping heights and drawing this thing in closer. Not betting on that. Though Miller As do seem to nestle in at the last minute, the blocking and northern stream interaction probably limit that possibility.
  8. Do you remember what it did within 24 hours of the last event? Wouldn't give it too much weight. This is the model that had Feb '13 as a weak reflection scraping the Cape the day of the storm.
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