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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. It's a fascinating picture, the pumped up PNA, the block, the nosing in northern stream, the incipient baroclinic leaf. Beautiful stuff. Can't wait to see what it looks like tomorrow!
  2. Meh, conviction sometimes overrides evidence. I'm more interested to see how he backpedals if he's wrong.
  3. Does it not look like it's just pouring in the backside of the southern stream? Doesn't look like a kicker to me.
  4. Liking the fluff factor possibility back here. Pile that on top of whatever cement is left.
  5. I have been saying this since last night, but figured it was just my weenie hallucination.
  6. I really thought it was gonna tuck in more for a second there. Oh well. We wait until 1:45.
  7. Some pretty nice FGEN in central-western CT there. Perhaps the confluence between the PV anomalies lending an assist?
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