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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Does it not look like it's just pouring in the backside of the southern stream? Doesn't look like a kicker to me.
  2. Liking the fluff factor possibility back here. Pile that on top of whatever cement is left.
  3. I have been saying this since last night, but figured it was just my weenie hallucination.
  4. I really thought it was gonna tuck in more for a second there. Oh well. We wait until 1:45.
  5. Some pretty nice FGEN in central-western CT there. Perhaps the confluence between the PV anomalies lending an assist?
  6. We'll just set our expectations low and hope for a surprise. I mean, that PNA is pumped, the block is holding steady and the trajectory on the n/s energy seems more north/south to me.
  7. Well, first off, congrats to NoPoles and Jimmy for finally catching a break. Second, my visual hallucinations continue. Looks to me like the n/s is already starting to slip down the backside of the s/s. I just keep thinking, "how is this not coming more west?"
  8. If I had no access to model data and could only see the northern hemisphere water vapor loop, I'd think we were all in for a trouncing. But alas...
  9. My brain totally replaced Arugulas with an anatomical feature. I was thinking, "I didn't know Electric Blue had opened a branch there."
  10. Hey man, we'll always have the magic of the 2011 norlun and blizzard to warm the cockles of a heart. That was a magic week.
  11. Maybe Sipperel will let our budding author in Harwich, MA, USA write a guest discussion for the next update? I would pay good money to read that.
  12. Haha I can feel the schadenfreude. Like you're standing in your back yard trying to blow it out to Bermuda.
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