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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Is that the Katie-Wynnewood tornado? That thing was insane.
  2. I took a drive through there just now. Todd Street is still inaccessible. The tree and wire damage in some sections is pretty extraordinary. I can only imagine how terrified my uncle was getting caught in the middle of it on Gaylord Mountain Rd.
  3. It didn't even feel all that unstable here, quite comfortable in fact. Even mid-afternoon you could feel the marine influence on the south wind. I thought for sure the storms were just gonna fall apart as they approached.
  4. Your discussion of how storms moving from elevations to valleys often tighten up seemed to bear fruit based on the NWS reports. Interesting small scale stuff.
  5. Seems like the SPC wind probability was warranted in this one.
  6. That reminds me a lot of the blowdown I saw just off 95 east of New Haven in July '89. Wow, that is so impressive.
  7. Amazing storm. Sucker was moving 100mph at one point. I went out on an errand and the storm was just moving out of Pa. I came back a half hour later with the sky darkening and a tornado warning issued and Ryan highlighting those nutty velocities. That was a real wtf moment.
  8. Wasn't there another high end wind event up in the Cheshire/Wallingford area a few years back?
  9. My neighbor's chickens got pulverized. Direct hit from a large maple.
  10. Fabulous job today, Ryan. Superb coverage. Thought I was watching KFOR
  11. Sick! Can't wait to get up there in a few weeks.
  12. We faired pretty well in my neighborhood. A few blocked streets and snapped maples and pines, but nothing on houses that I saw. Power is still on. Unfortunately, it looks like my uncle is going to spend the night at an elementary school with 20 kids and their after-school teachers, as their route out is impossibly blocked by fallen trees and crews won't be able to get in to them until tomorrow.
  13. @Dendrite, my neighbors just lost half of a huge maple onto their chicken coop.
  14. I believe it. My uncle says he drove right into it. He's taking shelter at a school with some other stranded drivers. Really shaken up.
  15. My uncle is apparently stuck on the road in Oxford with trees and lines down in front and behind him. Possible tornado went right over him. Will have to wait for a crew to clear the road.
  16. First time I've ever seen real green-age! That was an amazing shelf cloud as that tornado went by up through Cheshire. Great wind on the back end and nickel to dime sized hail! EML delivers!
  17. Holy crap. I go out for 20 minutes, come back and there is a massive storm heading my way. WTF.
  18. Look at that line consolidating across NY. Nasty.
  19. You're in the bear cage dude! Watch for that Finger of God!
  20. That line out in eastern PA is starting to get that bowing look to it. Might go to town soon.
  21. Velocities picking up in NW CT.
  22. Just classic supercell heading towards NW CT. If it's not putting one down, not that far off.
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