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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Let's hope this produces. My best thunderstorm in years came with that March paste job. I deserve better.
  2. What else is she down for?
  3. Well said. It's a beautiful spectrum.
  4. Aren't there certain specific atmospheric criteria that have to be met too?
  5. Sam L is apparently not happy with SPC's choice of the "d" word.
  6. Wow. GOES16 shows unbroken sun all the way back through PA. EML is moving in, sun is coming out. The lid is on the pot, the pot is in the fire, only a matter of time until we boil.
  7. Cool, thanks. Anyway, fog has lifted here and sun is starting to peek through the thin cloud deck. Let the games begin.
  8. Was that the day that featured the awesome hail in Boston?
  9. Heart of the EML appears to be in PA and WV at the moment and heading this way. Things lining up so far.
  10. So, will Ryan post pics of the ever-telling castellanus this morning? Murky/fog in my hood atm. Let's get these clouds out of here and fully destabilize!
  11. I eagerly await pics from Kevin's yard that look like Amen Corner in a month.
  12. Yeah, I brought that up a couple days ago, Jerry. If you had plunked this stretch down in mid-Feb with climo temps, this would probably be the 2nd 2-3 footer for many of the posters in here and the third foot plus storm in two weeks.
  13. I find it kind of hilarious that the Valley got bent over even with an amenable thermal profile. If it ain't temps, it's fooking subby holes. Gotta find a better spot to move to.
  14. This storm has surpassed Boxing Day as my most loathed KU. Total dumpster fire.
  15. Yeah, I have nothing to complain about. The last decade has been insane, and I'll never top being in Boston for '15.
  16. It snowed pretty hard for about an hour and change, but the core of the really good stuff stayed just west. Then the band sort of rotted and reformed off to my east. If we hadn't just bagged a double digit snow last week I'd be melting hard right now, but as it is, I'm just turning my thoughts to girls in tennis whites and sweating ice-cold juleps on the deck. I'll give this winter a B-.
  17. Yeah, flagged for quality control for sure. You see the guy in Sprague CT reporting 6"/hr fluff under that band? Wow.
  18. Yeah, that sounds like BS to me. They probably jammed their ruler through last week's glacier and took the measurement.
  19. 3.5" is my final, Seasons. Wamp wamp indeed haha.
  20. I measured 3.5" for the storm total a few hours ago, which has already melted down to an inch of slush. Roads are bare and all the trees have more or less dripped all the snow off. I'm getting flashbacks to my childhood in the 80s.
  21. I know the modeling suggest a favorable pattern coming up and hint at a storm in a week, but climo is getting more and more hostile down here. It's gonna be tough to pull another accumulating system without a lot of luck. We'll see.
  22. Last gasp here. Sky brightening, band is winding down. Calling it a winter. Good luck out east!
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