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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. FFW. Nice train of heavy rain lining up south of LI.
  2. Yeah it's only been a light drizzle most of the morning here, but things are looking wetter as we progress into the afternoon. Can hear the wind overhead also, but not getting much at ground level.
  3. Agreed. Glad to be positioned in cash/short here, even if I was a bit early. Potential for multi-year bust with no China to come to the rescue this time...Anyway, glad to see glimmers of hope continuing in the modeling. Things are certainly looking up on the winter front.
  4. That's a lotta juice down south. Here's hoping we see a radar like that in a month with fresh cold and benchmark track.
  5. I appreciate both lectures and coffee. Thanks Tip (and Baroclinic Zone for the earlier response).
  6. Isn't the NAO supposed to be deeply negative around and after Xmas? Would think that would reduce the cutter risk substantially, but perhaps I'm off base.
  7. Awesome. That's why I subscribe to the SWC.
  8. Can we pull 4" QPF next month with a 1040 high over Caribou?
  9. Dude, the PWATs on these models are out there.
  10. Thanks for the writeup, Ray. We keep the faith.
  11. Dayum, 4"? I might move up another spot in the wettest year rankings.
  12. One wonders if the upper bound on one of those extreme systems is a bit higher in the present climate. More available moisture, higher water temp anomalies, etc. What would a repeat of 1888 max out at now?
  13. 1888? Except the 50-70" was closer to ALB.
  14. That was a magical day. We were kind of distracted by an ongoing 5 or 6 inch wet snow, which at the time was the biggest event of the season. Euro led the way in the overnight runs and everything else came on board at 12z. Went from nothing to a HECS in the modeling within a few short cycles. Special. First of three 20"+ storms, and 4 12"+ in the following weeks lol.
  15. Some of the coldest weather I've ever experienced that month in VT.
  16. Pattern remains absolute garbage for the next few weeks with an uncooperative MJO, -PNA, +NAO/AO, but if the SSW does happen the middle of January on could rock. Still getting some Jan '11/'15 vibes.
  17. What is this "snow" you speak of?
  18. Yeah, we were talking futility records in here like a week before the blizzard. Same thing going into Feb '13. DIT was so shook in the latter case he was tossing the models showing the blizzard as voodoo. This winter has more of a '10-'11 vibe in my mind, although I think February should be better this year.
  19. Don't do it. Hamden has some very nice areas, but this town is a fiscal crisis within a fiscal crisis and the taxes are absurd relative to neighboring towns. North Haven or Wallingford are better options for taxes, snow and severe. Congrats on the gig btw!
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