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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Geez, just saw 6z GFS. Push that a little east and we in bidness. Of course, can't trust the GFS as far as we can throw it, but one can dream.
  2. Had a few grainy flakes here. December salvaged!
  3. This may be my favorite stat from that winter: Fastest 90-inch snowfall: 23 days from Jan. 24 - Feb. 15, 2015 (previous record: 78 days from Dec. 30, 1993 to Mar. 17, 1994). Talk about crushing a record!
  4. I wouldn't put much faith in that data. Framingham put up 33" in the blizzard and the roided SWFE later that week probably put them around 4 feet. Then there was the storm around the 8th that was 20"+ and the mid-level magic that was 12-15+.
  5. I'm a simple man. I just want a Feb '13 style deform band. Is that so much to ask?
  6. Yeah, I think that's fair to say. Mind you, this pic was taken after Cambridge sent backhoes and dump trucks around to clear the street.
  7. It still amazes me we pulled triple digits after being single digits in late January. Sometimes I just shake my head and ask, "Did that really happen?"
  8. The guy from Lunenberg's great-great-great grandpappy reported those.
  9. When does Kevin wrestle Frank Costanza? Is it available on Pay Per View?
  10. Thanks for the trip down memory lane, Jer. Hope for a little deja vu in a few weeks.
  11. There is a time for everything. Be a but incredulous when the pattern justifies it and optimistic when things look good. No need to be gung ho in marginal situations. Merry Xmas, btw. I don't mean to sound harsh.
  12. And you've predicted 45 out of the last 3 HECS.
  13. Merry Christmas, everyone! May Santa bring you fresh knickers and enough snow to cover them.
  14. Music to my ears, my good man. Merry Xmas.
  15. Ha, I wondered that myself when I posted it.
  16. The slow start in '13 was made worse because of how sh*tty 2012 was. That was a looong period of garbage. And I remember the denial in here when the blizzard started showing up in the modeling. A certain snowbank sculptor in Tolland was tossing the Euro long and hard until about two days out.
  17. Yeah, if we'd had a better airmass last March would've definitely been epic. It still was for folks out east.
  18. He's what the French call "les incompetents."
  19. When was the last time the Canadian models actually did well? Winter '15?
  20. Impressive, Mike. And congrats on holding onto the snow until now. Sure it'll be replenished before long.
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