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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Yep. The local flora and fauna are a little confused.
  2. Yeah, I was in fifth grade. I don't remember anything specific about that winter except that I would sit and stare longingly out the classroom window at the barren landscape and pray for snow that never came. Sixth grade was awesome though. Felt like two day school weeks all winter.
  3. Well, as much as this has blown since November, it doesn't compare to the soul-rending horror that was January '13. That continuous, unyielding, relentless suckage on the back of the worst winter in Boston's history had even the coolest customers swinging from the Tobin. I am not ready to wave the white flag on this winter yet. That said, if we hit Feb 1 and I still haven't cleared 10" on the season, I'm all in favor of a March '12 style torch in which to ride off into the dewy, nape-tanning sunset. Hell, I've already got bees coming out of hibernation and daffodils starting to poke through the leaves in my garden. Might as well add a few girls in sundresses to the mix.
  4. In keeping with my Star Wars theme, maybe I should change mine to Dagobah Swamp.
  5. Can anyone here speak to the veracity of the Lincoln RI report of 55" in Feb '78? Seems awful high. Stationary deform band or something?
  6. Oh perhaps. I think the GFS struggled mightily with that one (what else is new?), and Pete B. bought its output hook, line and sinker and predicted a slushy inch in Boston. I remember him yammering about the wind being off the water or something. Oops. I remember we had our annual corporate meeting on the top floor of 60 State the morning the firehose kicked in and I was so distracted by the pounding snow I had difficulty focusing on my presentation. Nice 30 inches for Blue Hills. Southern RI got screwed by the worst subsidence I'd seen (up until last March in my present location).
  7. Great storm. Picked up 26" despite dry slotting for a bit. I might've enjoyed the 1/27 storm even more because it was somewhat unexpected. 4-5" per hr thundersnow and 15" total over an already deep deep pack.
  8. Timeframe wasn't clear from what I saw, but he mentions how the process of buckling the Pacific flow aids in Atlantic equatorward wave breaking and helps bring the NAO negative.
  9. Anthony Masiello also has a really nice thread on his Twitter about the ongoing SSW and the potential development of a strong -NAO down the road.
  10. Given my present location, I would be quite happy with an exact replay of Feb '13.
  11. Tough to go against the Euro, but didn't it have some pretty significant struggles this fall?
  12. May your new year feature many bowling balls, Jerry...but not on Shabbos.
  13. I think Jerry dropping the Crown was bad juju for the winter.
  14. Tell that to the guy in your sub forum that was raving about buying Bitcoin last winter.
  15. Lol, so this is the NE equivalent of the MA Panic Room? Should be entertaining. I keep reminding myself that many the best winter months of my life were preceded by garbage patterns and much wringing of hands/pulling out of hair. I expect by February this thread will be forgotten at the bottom of the page and we will be singing a much different tune.
  16. We look forward to seeing you. Fortunately chasing our events are less dicey than some of your recent adventures (unless you park on the beach at Scituate).
  17. I bless the rains down in Attleboro.
  18. Black hole sun, won't you come and wash away this rain?
  19. Yeah big change at H5 for the worse.
  20. You've had an astoundingly wet year. It's been very wet here too, but you've got me beat by a solid 10".
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