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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Thanks Jerry. Music to my ears.
  2. How's EPS long range? Still improving?
  3. That is one stout high up north. Big improvement over earlier runs for sure down south though. Congrats DC.
  4. That's usually a bullish leading indicator. Strong inverse correlation between DIT's expectations and snowfall a few weeks later.
  5. All we care about at this range. How are they in the LR?
  6. Pretty sweet squall coming through, aside from its being rain of course. Pouring and roaring wind.
  7. Yeah, I was looking back through some of those threads yesterday. People were definitely on edge. Even a week after that, when the pattern looked epic, Kevin was swearing on his children that the winter would remain nickel and dimes at best and the storms in the LR modeling were just voodoo. And Scott was nitpicking all the things weighing against what would become our Manitoba Mauler. The funny thing was that after the blizzard the reverse psychology came into play. Systems that were modeled to miss became destined to inevitably trend in our favor. Of course, reality actually reinforced that sentiment in the end, but it was funny to see the flip in outlook after the first snows.
  8. The GWB wasn't tall enough? Had to come in here to leap off the Tobin as well?
  9. True. I'm just hoping we keep the active pattern with more cold to work with. But it has been absurdly wet since mid summer.
  10. At the moment I'm kind of glad it's rain. This radar would have me melting down like Chernobyl if it were snowing.
  11. Euro monthly looks sexy Feb and March.
  12. I wonder if my rainfall since November has exceeded my 7" of snow season to date. Haven't been tracking, but probably close.
  13. Yeah that's my all time favorite.
  14. Thanks. As long as they aren't puke, I'm happy.
  15. Anyone see EPS? Have things continued to improve in the 11-15?
  16. UMB WX needs to be more judicious with his/her emojis. As Dianne found out last winter, you do have a finite number.
  17. We're not trusting the models anymore, remember?
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