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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. down here. Barely dampened the ground since Saturday.
  2. Are we really looking at a bona fide tropical system in the MDR already? How often does that happen in June?
  3. You're chasing in Rhode Island? Have you learned nothing!?
  4. Wild cells in the Plains, as expected, but the one in Ohio may take the cake. The radar loop is mesmerizing.
  5. I was just thinking what a wild day this is. Really pretty unique. Street lights came on in New Haven.
  6. There's a ton of smoke overhead this morning. The sun looks like the eye of Sauron. Very cool looking.
  7. Not a drop of rain this weekend, nor a cloud to be seen this morning. Was not expecting that.
  8. That was an awesome day. I was riveted to TWC all day. One of the most menacing skies I’ve seen in any severe event when the line came through in the evening. Also my second ever experience with hail, the first being golf balls with the ‘89 F4.
  9. Wind whipped around to the east out at Fishers. Back door? What a spectacular weekend though. Can’t beat this weather.
  10. Is that a bunting? Awesome! The occasional scarlet tanager or oriole is usually my birding highlight. Never seen a bunting.
  11. Wound up rain storms? I think we had plenty of those this winter.
  12. 3 tornadoes in a five year stretch, plus Isaias. No severe Stein around my hood.
  13. Yikes. Does Taylor's security team have special notes on this guy by any chance?
  14. Jesus Christ he's ridiculous. It's so green down here one could mistake it for Ecuador.
  15. My eight mile jog turned into a swim practice.
  16. Pouring with frequent thunder most of the night. It's so green out there. I hope my new mower blade arrives soon, or I'll need to rent a goat to take care of the grass.
  17. Good storm. Some close lightning and torrential rain. Maybe hail mixed in?
  18. I’m a fan of Jim’s Organic myself.
  19. Looks like an unbeatable spring week on tap. Perhaps we leaf out by Saturday? Stein away, baby!
  20. I’m stoked to torch. It’s the only balm for the soul after a shit winter.
  21. I don’t think a single Yale undergrad went to class today, judging by the cheek to jowl crowding of the quad by Sterling Library. Can’t blame them. What a gorgeous day.
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