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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Richmond having an epic winter. DT's 200% of seasonal snowfall forecast working out nicely down there.
  2. Fooking nightmare. I'd come home from my summer place and find mold trying to grow on my walls and furniture. Disgusting humidity.
  3. Historically active March, historic heat in June, historic dews all summer, nearly historic rainfall. We can just add this curious anomaly to the list of historic items this year, even if it is not the sort of history we enjoy.
  4. Hey Ryan, nice call on the thunderstorms last night. We had the best storm since September here. Terrific thunder. Too bad it wasn't accompanied by snow, but there's still time for that.
  5. The GFS is appalling with east coast cyclogenesis, regardless of type. We always toss.
  6. Lots of people been saying that recently.
  7. Or it's got Peyronie's disease...
  8. The ground is unexpectedly white here this morning. I take that as a good augury of things to come.
  9. Yes, in the same sense that Phoebe Cates saying, "Hi Hoth, you know how cute I always thought you were" is "good".
  10. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/ski-resort-evacuated-thousands-stranded-142144984.html?guccounter=1 Epicosity in the Alps secured.
  11. How'd you do 1/27/11? That wound up being a nice surprise event up here through Boston. Yeah the general experience has been either MA crushing with strong confluence and suppression depression up here, or late developing Miller B's that smoke CT river east and leave y'all dry. Would have no qualms about everybody getting the goods. Better NESIS rating.
  12. I know Boxing Day was a disaster down there, but believe or not it was much hated up here in CT too. Wound up with 6" of wind-shredded baking powder while NY suburbs jacked 30". Eff that storm. I think we'll all be money at some point in the next three weeks.
  13. 60"+ up here Jan '11, my second best 30 day period after ~100" Feb '15 in Boston. The weeklies remind me a lot of those periods. Hope Jebman has his shovel ready down there.
  14. Jesus. If you didn't suffer from priapism before, you will after looking at that those maps. Yo yo ma!
  15. Sort of reminds me of that quick hitter we had two years ago. Picked up a 14" even though the sucker was flying along. Not that I'm actually forecasting that at this distant remove.
  16. Much better position than the models showed yesterday. Suppression not a concern.
  17. "Missed phase" Gold. I'm absolutely using that in that context some day.
  18. Yes, I came upon such a word in my research. However, I believe reports of such a phenomenon to be apocryphal.
  19. Gentlemen, while on my morning truffle shuffle I was witness today to a most curious natural phenomenon, which I want to pass along. It seems that the remnants of yestereen's rainfall have developed a crust of sorts in the postprandial hours. Indeed, the standing puddles of water appear to have transitioned from a liquid phase to a hard one. I must say I stopped short in abject wonderment to observe said phenomenon and found that this hard-water was both cold to the touch and devilishly slippery. Somewhere in the deepest pockets of memory something familiar in me stirred, some remnant of winters of yore suspended, but what it was I could not say; but I decided then and there to make a thorough investigation into the matter when I returned home. Well, my research has been most illuminating. It would seem that, in a brief period during peak winter climatology, lasting no longer than the twinkling of an eye, the mercury in southern New England may fall to such hyperborean lows as to allow liquid water to transition into a new and rare state called "ice". Gentlemen, I propose to embark on a series of experiments to test this miraculous substance, which I believe may bring about a revolution in the fields of mixology, and stick-wielding winter sports. I shall pass along the particulars in due course should you decide to invest in my new venture. Yours faithfully and sincerely, Hoth, Weenie Emeritus
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