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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. That time period's been popping up for a while now on the models. Since November in Ray's case
  2. Many of us do. But as a literary man, did you get the reference?
  3. James hates and loves the NAM, as he hates and loves himself. He will never be rid of his need for it. It's his, his own...his precious.
  4. True, the KFS has a short memory.
  5. Silver lining: Kevin won't break out the drought monitor posts anytime soon.
  6. Storm parade continues in the LR. Good sign.
  7. Sure was. Guess that's my severe for the year.
  8. Two word review: sh*t sandwich.
  9. Judge Smails' verdict: "You'll get nothing and like it!"
  10. Look at the spread in that ensemble. All over the place.
  11. I view that as encouraging. Pattern will hopefully support explosive solutions; whether we capitalize remains to be seen.
  12. Also, if you're gonna post the 384 cutter, might as well put up the bomb that just misses east at 340. Looks plenty active before too long. Keep it active with the pattern we're seeing in the weeklies and we should do just fine.
  13. Jan 24 started it with a middling 5-7" event, then the blizzard 3 days later and the super SWFE 4 days after that.
  14. Cleveland superbomb pushed a bit east. '78 is an analog right?
  15. Oh I remember it well. I had to walk to work downtown from Cambridge several times because the T kept breaking down. Narrow streets, sidewalks touch and go. I had to replace the thermal coupling on my furnace because it was working so hard. My profile pic in Hampshire street after the third storm hit. There was a pile of snow at MIT as tall as a six story building. And no, I wouldn't expect to see that again if I live to be 300.
  16. Already isn't. Even a stellar back half can only get the grade up so high. Midterms already flunked.
  17. Probably not a popular stance in this forum.
  18. Good point. I guess it depends on your timeframe. I was thinking mainly the last few months, but longer term you can definitely argue things have broken right for us far more often than not.
  19. You could argue that at some point something almost has to break right for us. We've scored in garbage patterns before. All these misses and badly timed Scooter Streaks is sort of like flipping coins and having it endlessly come up heads when you want tails. Can it come up heads fifty tosses in a row? A hundred? Sure, but it's pretty unlikely.
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