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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. I'm trying to remember the last time I got snow followed by ice thick enough to stand upon without breaking the crust. It's been a long time. I have a feeling this may deliver. I was pretty young the last time we had a big ice storm. I recall playing with my little brother for hours in it, and then, as a dutiful and well-intentioned son, clearing the ice off my dad's new Saab...with a hammer and chisel. Oops.
  2. Can't. Already used up all the glue.
  3. Purely anecdotal, but it seems like most storms this season have been unusually generous in the QPF department. Don't see why this should be any different.
  4. Ten inches with an inch+ zr on top? Cool. Talk to you guys in April.
  5. Got my Winchester .30-30 and a Browning Auto-5. Ready for the ice apocalypse. No genny though, so I may be a touch irritable if anyone takes an interest in my wood pile...
  6. Don't melt don't melt don't melt dontmeltdontmeltdontmelt
  7. This is clearly happening because Jerry shelved the Crown.
  8. On the one hand, a little surprised to see that given the PV. On the other, fits the seasonal tenor to a T.
  9. Yeah, eff that. I'll take cold rain and he can have it.
  10. FV3 had temps plunging well into the -40s in ND, MN at the end of its run. That would be something.
  11. Blech, thinking this one is gonna suck down here. Rain is the preferred option if heavy ice is the other choice on the table. Would like to be up in like Jaffrey for this. That said, long range continues to look filthy good.
  12. Jesus, if that's the preferred mode, I'd like a cutter. Don't think I've ever seen 2" of ice in this area and I don't ever want to.
  13. I suppose if you get some separation with the Friday system and it blows up in the maritimes, that could do some work in helping to get the second system south. We'll see. Lots of nuance here, but the big players hopefully should be fairly stable.
  14. Dianne gets sweet sweet revenge at last.
  15. We've seen a ceaseless onslaught of juiced up systems in the last six months, so I don't see anything unreasonable in thinking we can pull some big QPF frozen events, especially with the upcoming pattern. Buckle up folks. Could be pretty sweet.
  16. Yeah this looks like a crush job. Goofus all over the map.
  17. Good news on that run was that there were four other nor'easters behind the rainer. Not boring.
  18. Yeah, I was rather nonplussed by the GFS trying to push rain into the area with that thing nearby. Suppression always a concern.
  19. That's like some of those frigid '14 storms...maybe not quite as cold but close.
  20. Good lord, just saw the 1052 high in Maine on the GFS. A little nippy.
  21. Not bad, but what about the Kuchie.
  22. Well that was fun. Pats crushing too. Good mood until tonight at least.
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