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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. '78 has been one of Ray's analogs in his seasonal outlook. I might substitute another word for that LR Euro map. "Inconceivable!"
  2. We're in agreement there. Weeklies look mighty fine too.
  3. If you're looking for an all snow event sure, but surface cold is going to be pretty tenacious. Ice ice baby, at least here in the CTRV.
  4. Oh almost certainly. We had that a few times in Feb '15 I believe, and I remember seeing it in Jan '04 up in VT during the insane cold outbreak.
  5. 1050+ highs in this neck of the woods are exceedingly rare. Maybe crossing the border in ND, but not often around here.
  6. Roughly a quarter to half inch accumulation this morning. Wtf are plows going down my street? You could sneeze and displace this stuff. Waste of money.
  7. Do you happen to remember what 850s looked like for that huge cold blast in February '16? I'm just wondering for comparison's sake.
  8. Has there been any discernible trend with the present system once it gets up in the maritimes? If it gets wound up it might conceivably have some bearing on our Sunday system.
  9. Yeah, think things could get ugly down here.
  10. Ditto, stacking dry firewood. Cashed up. Topped gas tank.
  11. Get back to me when all of them are.
  12. Too bad it's the ICON. I would lock that in a heartbeat.
  13. We pray that the rest of the guidance decides to take a tipple of Uncle's Absyinthe.
  14. Yeah man, I will gladly welcome the sound of pinging this go round.
  15. Not liking my location here at the foot of the valley. Surface cold will be locked while a thicker warm layer is overhead. Could get ugly if we have 5 or 6 inches of snow before the ice sets in.
  16. The PV elongating and plunging into the midwest at the end of the Euro gives me a semi. That's a hawt look.
  17. Yeah that was my takeaway. I rather hope the cold press over performs. I like power.
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