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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. You know he was sorely tempted to leave Tolland out of the ice altogether just to screw with Kevin.
  2. I think you mean platonic. Plutonic relates to the underworld. Or maybe that is what you meant...
  3. Yes, this is now official board policy now for all storms. If anyone has a problem, they can take it up with management.
  4. Yeah we'll see. If my DP continues to drop this afternoon I'll get worried again.
  5. Interesting to note the cold funneling down the Hudson Valley. Lots of temps at freezing with dews in the mid teens.
  6. Yeah I mentioned that it felt springy on my jog early this morning. I retract that statement now. Quite chilly, 35/19 here.
  7. Keep us apprized of the situation as it continues to unfold.
  8. Totally reasonable. Hopefully in a few weeks you'll be taking your frustration out against the giant drifts clogging your driveway a la '15.
  9. It all floats down here. You'll float too.
  10. Purely anecdotal, but the air down here certainly does not feel supportive of an ice event. Almost felt like late March. Kind of expected today to be chilly and gray with really low DPs.
  11. Is this a subtle '90s Missy Elliot reference? "I can't stand the rain!"
  12. Scott, might I suggest going into the futility thread for an epic cathartic melt? Come back refreshed and regrouped and then you'll be ready welcome the rains like Andy Dufraine. My personal magma chamber is building ominously. I'm just waiting for the Cleveland super bomb part deux to materialize.
  13. You at Pit 2 for this? Should be fun up there. Enjoy.
  14. Cool, so ice holocaust potentially averted? I'd be just fine with that. Let it rain and we'll try to catch the next one.
  15. Well, that would make sense, but this guy actually had his plow down to remove the half inch or less we got. Probably not good for the road surface.
  16. Put down 4-5 inches of snow with .4-.6 of ice on top and we'll have problems down here for sure.
  17. Lol GFS has a 1061 high entering ND in 10 days. Now that would be something.
  18. Thank you. So -40s is a totally different league. Wow.
  19. OT but there's your diamond dust weather in the long range modeling. PV dropping in for a visit.
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