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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Year off to a wet start for sure. Hopefully we can sneak a few white ones in too.
  2. Yep. Worried about when the wind kicks in later since we're not getting any melting.
  3. Yeah. Even saw some full trees down when I was driving earlier. Cold has been stubbornly holding on all morning.
  4. We're getting what you want. Shotgun blasts becoming pretty frequent.
  5. Was just thinking the same thing. I have a cedar that's starting to lean a little ominously towards the neighbors' house. Hope the wind doesn't exacerbate it later...
  6. So when do we start expecting temps to crash? Mid afternoon?
  7. Your name is very appropriate today.
  8. Already busting low in Hamden. .3 here with light zr continuing.
  9. Yeah, swapped my shovel for a chainsaw this morning. Pines shedding large branches. On my 2.5 mile drive this morning I saw 3 trees draped over wires and two more where the road was half blocked and cops were redirecting traffic. Probably .3 accretion, but this light freezing drizzle may make things worse soon.
  10. You sleeting? It could get ugly if we stay zr for the next few hours. I thought I'd be flirting with freezing by now, but CAD definitely performing.
  11. Yeah, 28 degrees outside. Shiat. Freezing rain continues.
  12. Picked up about 2" before the flip. Looks like there's a pretty nice coating of ice on everything, but can't tell if it's still freezing rain.
  13. Also has been slowly bringing the surface low further south each run.
  14. Heavy snow, but transition is not too far off.
  15. Snow more like a fog. Omega beneath the DGZ?
  16. Ground whitened and roads partially covered. 31 degrees.
  17. They had parts of Mass getting 3 feet of snow a couple days ago. Pay them no attention.
  18. Light snow. Decent sized flakes.
  19. Close call, but think we'll be good down here. Good luck to the inland folks.
  20. If my calculations are correct, you're gonna see some serious shit.
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