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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Verbatim, I may just get to double digits on the season if that plays out. Hot dog!
  2. I don't think we had any blocking in 2015. Maybe I'm wrong.
  3. What a soaker. 1.5" so far and pouring. Ah, what might have been... Incidentally, having fully obliterated the glacier today, I think my cumulative days this winter without being able to see my grass comes to three. Weak.
  4. If only this were snow. Storm's raging out there.
  5. Sounds about right. I'm comfortably numb at this point anyway, so y'all have at it.
  6. See that orange pixel over the Cape at 162? That's James going full Chernobyl.
  7. Yep, the surface readily supported my 210 lb frame without cracking. A literal bulletproof pack.
  8. Having managed to retain all the creature comforts of modernity, namely power, heat, Internet (thoughts go out to my neighbors without) I can view this ice storm through a more pleasant lense. I took a stroll through the neighborhood and must say the combo of white ground and scintillating trees crackling in the wind presents one of the more novel and beautiful winter scenes I've seen in recent years. That said, there is a lot of damage around here. The birches are all weeping and bent with ice, lots of trees down or liberated of substantial limbs and some, like the attached image, look like a giant clumsily stepped on them. A beautiful winter scene and a silver lining for this winter without a doubt, but certainly will not shift my leery stance towards ice storms.
  9. Only easy day was yesterday. Won't run, but will definitely get some sort of workout in.
  10. Yeah that was my impression as well. Even if I had micro-spikes, I don't think I'd risk it.
  11. Were you able to run? I want to, but seems pretty treacherous out there.
  12. For the time being. Have coworkers in North Haven without power. I've been lucky here. My neighbor two door up has a large branch down on the power line, but thankfully wasn't enough to take it out. Hope you get yours back quickly.
  13. Had an absolutely gorgeous sunset with the light passing through the ice. Like the trees were ablaze.
  14. It means I was being foolhardy walking around with branches dropping all over. Darwin Awards are given to those who remove themselves from the gene pool in the stupidest fashion possible.
  15. Yeah, I didn't measure, but it's pretty substantial. I just took a Darwin Award walk around the neighborhood. Have a line down across the road at the bottom of my street, two neighboring blocks have branches blocking most of the road, neighbor has a huge pine down across his back yard, multiple branches hanging across power lines. Interestingly, the roads are not too slick. When the wind kicks in, it will get really ugly.
  16. Btw, I'm assuming the convention for measuring accretion is the radius from the branch right? Not diameter.
  17. Yes, so far. Eyeballing maybe .3-.4 accretion. Lots of bangs and pops and cascading sounds in the neighborhood. Hope to be able to watch the game later.
  18. Done with precip, thank God. Now hoping the wind doesn't finish the job.
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