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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. 0.0" Winter of our discontent continues. Congrats to those who scored.
  2. Solid half inch...of rain.
  3. -93 omega? Don't think I've ever seen that before.
  4. No, certainly not of consequence. But I remember distinctly it snowed around my birthday in May one year in the early 2000s. I think it was '02, but I could be wrong.
  5. And I think it snowed in May that year. Talk about a punch to the nards.
  6. Kevin's lawn looks like the 12th green at Augusta come November. Acorns and squirrels alike roll right off the putting surface. Not enough friction.
  7. Dude, gimme a Feb '18 with a backer of March '12, please and thank you.
  8. I've reached the point where I'd almost like to see if I can go the whole of meteorological winter without 5". If a big event comes along, awesome, but otherwise I'd almost rather skip it at this point.
  9. Crap seasons don't generally cause many melts. They're just sort of a slow-burning annoyance. It's the major storms that bust that bring the ruckus. If one is supposed to pull 20" and one winds up with 2", buckle up, Buckeroo.
  10. Just wanted to throw out there that the CT River was impressively swollen yesterday. Good thing Hartford put in all those flood barriers in the '50s.
  11. Lol what a POS winter. Oh well.
  12. I should've added "rightly or wrongly" to the above.
  13. My sister in law's family are up near SLK. They've been just buried with another foot plus expected in the next few days. They must have a solid three foot plus pack from the pics I've seen.
  14. This season may be used in future seasons to further the notion that good early season snows are an omen of death for winter lovers.
  15. I'm getting pretty close to cheering on a March '12 style torch here. This cold/dry, warm/wet combo is just the pits.
  16. Hope you enjoy every year and more Steve.
  17. The Euro is certainly not as reliable as it once was, but we've seen the GFS puke all over itself so many times with east coast cyclogenesis that I'm always inclined to minimally weight its output. I can't speak for your area, but the Euro wasn't giving me 20 inches inside 24 hours with the most recent system. It busted warm with the surface temps too, and gave me a cold rain instead of major ice, but it was not off by 25+ degrees like the GFS. I'm also skeptical of the upcoming system. Maybe it pans out, but it seems to develop too late for my area at least. Maybe eastern Mass up into NNE get smoked. Perhaps nobody does. We'll see. It's folly to think I care enough either way to scapegoat a model for not showing what I'd like to see. Would it be nice to see snow? Sure. But it's not like I've been in Saharan Africa for a decade. My thoughts will tend toward warmer weather, sun dresses and sails soon enough anyway. If it snows, great. If not, I've got another 5 decades of average life expectancy. We'll give it another go next year.
  18. GFS also told me I was going to be 55 degrees last Saturday while it was 28 with freezing rain. Tossed. Always tossed.
  19. At this point I think a Miller Highlife is the preferred mode.
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