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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Wasn't there someone on this forum who was notorious for drinking that garbage at get-togethers?
  2. I still remember the radar lifting the heavy snow up into Maine before hitting the brakes and ripping back south as an awesome band of 3"/hr fluff with thunder. One of the cooler radar loops I can remember and easily the greatest winter landscape of my life. In fact my avatar picture is from that morning.
  3. Icing up for the second time in three weeks. Trees are at the saggy but not snappy level of accretion.
  4. I noticed that a little while ago. Mostly pingers, but definitely a little zr in there. Temp up to 23.
  5. Interesting. All sleet up here north of New Haven.
  6. Remember to clear your turkeys every six hours to ensure accurate measurement.
  7. Looks like 2.5" with heavy snow continuing. Sleet approaching, but surface temperature has not budged from 21 all day. A glaze to cap everything tonight seems likely. Looks like we've clawed our way over the one foot mark on the season.
  8. Grass is close to being covered. That is a win this year.
  9. About 1.25". Hope to pull another inch before we scalp.
  10. Yeah Ryan, soon as I saw the temp/dp this morning, ice ice baby.
  11. Ripping pretty good now. Everything white. As it should always be in mid February.
  12. Really nice to see the roads instantly turn white for once. 21 degrees. Think it's going to get a little icy here tonight.
  13. Even if you could observe the atmosphere and model it at the atomic level, there would be a certain amount of Brownian randomness that is fundamental to physics and ultimately expressed at the classical level as error bars in the forecast.
  14. 25 with a DP of 1. Quite the depression. Surface cold should be hard to shake, methinks.
  15. I'm sending you a case of Crown to seal the deal.
  16. Certainly fits with the seasonal tenor in these parts.
  17. You're in the HV and were able to easily tap into that funneled arctic air. Most of us started around 30 and then plunged as the air drained south. This is much colder to start for most of our forum.
  18. Man, I tell ya, I'm at 10" this year and about 3" in actual winter. This is like a slightly below average year in DC. Those sons of guns must be real gluttons for punishment. I couldn't take this on a regular basis.
  19. You know spring is coming when you start seeing ads for the Masters on CBS. Can't freaking wait.
  20. Not where you are. I pulled 2 inches that melted while you and Ray were doing naked cartwheels.
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