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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. The odds of a civilization that advanced coexisting in our galaxy is vanishingly small. We should be able to detect their radio signals. And it would take millions of years for visitors from neighboring galaxies to visit us. Most likely outcome is no one will ever know we existed before our dying sun swells and gobbles up our planet in a billion years or so. Our planet is no more significant in the grand scheme of things than a single quark is to our body. And yet, as the only known place to harbor life, one could also argue it's impossibly rare and significant.
  2. Tough to measure, as what little fell has already melted. As you say, F this winter.
  3. It is certainly a study in human psychology; perhaps bordering on abnormal psychology at that lol.
  4. Yeah, you need that to drive systems under us when the PNA isn't cooperating. Didn't we have that for a bit last March?
  5. Yeah you avoided most of the subby hole in the big system that clocked eastern CT and MA. 4 Seasons and I were not so fortunate.
  6. Two of the storms last March hurt way worse for me. I expected solid 15"+ in both cases and wound up with 2.5" and 0" respectively. In the latter case, I could watch Long Island pick up 20" while snowing 5"/hr while sucking exhaust here. Still, this event is rather irksome. Can't believe my best snow of the season by a wide margin came a solid week before Thanksgiving. That's effed up.
  7. Judging by the comments above, I am not the only one to whom this winter has delivered a roundhouse to the nads once again. Add another nice zero incher to the seasonal tally, please, scorekeeper. So much for that all snow event for everyone we were cooing over a few days ago. Ha! If there is a way to fail, this winter will exploit it. Bring on spring training and sun dresses and gin and tonics. So fooking done with this shiat.
  8. Certainly looks that way on radar. Robust band north of Binghamton, subby look down here, robust in NJ. Fits the tenor of this winter to a T.
  9. I'm going to reiterate what I said earlier. Think I'm boned down here. Going with <1".
  10. You're probably fine. Inland enough and with a bit of elevation. I was referring more to my area four miles off the water. Was just hoping to get one all-snow event this winter, but doesn't seem to be in the cards.
  11. Awesome. You've been back on the Crown, haven't you.
  12. New weenie emoji on the forum...
  13. The consequences of slamming multiple 8% IPAs go without saying. Nice a rip a few ice cold 4.5 percenters without fear of the following morning.
  14. Agreed. Sometimes an ice cold Silver Bullet goes down nicely after a hot July day.
  15. Ha, I remember Edward 40 Hands. Someone usually wound up soiling themselves because they didn't finish fast enough and couldn't get their fly down.
  16. In disgusting flavors to boot. Never drank it myself, but I know it was a favorite Friday night pastime at my bro's college.
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