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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Wind definitely on the rise here. Nice sustained roar through the trees now.
  2. Yeah, bring on Morch. The toxic cocktail of high expectations going into the season, teases of beautiful patterns in the weeklies that kept failing, bad timing, Scooter Streaks effing up the December and January opportunities in favor of the MA, mixed bag events, way below average snow despite greater than average precip and favorable temp regimes, and the sheer stability of this garbage all winter, makes this one of the worst in my life. I was too young to remember the 80s and early 90s up until March '93, so I'll say it's the worst in recent memory. This one even beats '11-'12, which at least featured one exotic system and a historic heatwave. '15-'16 was a stinker too, but frankly I was still satiated by the glory of the previous season. It is what it is. I'm over it. We regroup and look forward to warmer weather, beaches, babes and barbecues.
  3. That was probably it then. I remember there were some big wind reports up in the Adirondacks and then it just roared across the Champlain Valley.
  4. Was that the storm that featured a very impressive squall line in VT? I remember one coming through that tore down a bunch of trees outside my dorm room my senior year.
  5. God I remember that stretch. Absolutely brutal.
  6. Just watch, as soon as we hit May we'll get a parade of them. Bunch of cut off, misery mist POS for days and days keeping everything gray and fifty degrees straight into the solstice.
  7. I went to Glenlivet's distillery years ago and have had a soft spot for them ever since. Their 15 year is really good stuff, aged in sherry casks, if I remember rightly. Balvenie Caribbean Cask is another really tasty one. And I'm with you on the really peaty ones. Laphroaig tastes like formaldehyde to me. I do like a lighter peat profile like Oban or Lagavulin. Edit: I would be remiss if I left Auchentoshan out, too.
  8. Oban is my bro's jam. It is damn good. A breakfast scotch for sure.
  9. Both a delicious scotch and one of the most gorgeous places I've ever visited. Skye was insane.
  10. Lol, just looked at the run. You ain't kidding. A stalling 960s nuke replete with loop-de-loop. Jeebus.
  11. Seeing the PNA whipsaw around that period lends some credence to the possibility. We often see significant systems when the modes switch like that.
  12. Yeah, I was looking at that, too. I'm at 27 and it looks like the northerly flow is going to keep the cold in place for a while. Could be pretty dicey.
  13. Man, I feel like I've seen more freezing rain this winter than in the previous decade combined.
  14. Nice steady snow here. Everything whitening. Gone tomorrow afternoon, but we live in the here and now.
  15. Wow, I didn't realize you hit the 80s all the way up there. That is incredible.
  16. Geez, totally missed how fast the jet is upstairs right now. Screaming along.
  17. Don't worry, another epic FI severe season is just around the corner.
  18. I think in the end I will come to prefer 2012 over this season. At least that season had excitement in October. Nothing like having average temps and well above average precipitation with 4" of snow for the meteorological winter to date. 2012 also featured very low expectations from the get go, was relatively mild and transitioned into spring with one of the great torches of all time. I remember walking home from work in the financial district with that distinct smell of grass in the air. The cherry trees in the graveyard by the Athenaeum were in blossom and hundreds of people were lying out on the Common soaking up the 80 degree temperatures. That was a spectacular stretch.
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