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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. The much feared EML strikes again. Better alert Ekster and Banacos to update their paper.
  2. If you know some better brewers I am all ears.
  3. That and Hill Farmstead.
  4. C-. Bookend winters blow, even if I got within an inch or two of climo. For a while there I think my winter rainfall exceeded my snow. Still, we pulled off an epic squall, a strong November event, a frigid Thanksgiving, a double digit snow last week and the first significant ice storm in a long time in January. We damaged trees. If not for the positive bust last week, this would've been a straight F. If we can pull off a sneaky event next week during the PNA spike, maybe this can pull a gentlemanly C.
  5. At least nobody's posting those damn MJO diagrams anymore.
  6. There I go, turn the page.
  7. Yeah that 8 inch figure probably reflects the hilly areas to my northwest. I pulled maybe 3-4 inches and watched it melt and run down the drain while you and Ray were doing naked cartwheels. I will say areas to my west from Easton up to Watertown did do better. I was just in a giant subby hole between bands in my hood.
  8. March 13, 2018, a date which will live in infamy.
  9. That'll be a legit Plains blizzard for sure.
  10. Cape had a heck of a run last year though.
  11. My house did manage to get hit by lightning in September. That storm was an impressive lightning producer, but yeah, no real severe except May 15.
  12. Yeah, that was me from like August to early October. Sweating walls and furniture, mold growing effing everywhere. I don't mind a little heat and humidity here and there, but the sustained nature of it last summer was almost beyond endurance. Never seen so many 70-80 degree dews.
  13. I had a place on the Eastern Shore and it was absolutely torrid all summer. Gotta have Raynaud's to appreciate the sh*t.
  14. Never again. Fighting mildew all gd summer. Awful awful awful.
  15. Way ahead of you there. Already have daffodils and tulips poking up. Crocuses and snowdrops are blooming in spots too.
  16. That's a deep pack. Water running quickly down the streets here. Warmth feels nice on the nape. Can't wait for Thursday/Friday.
  17. What does the CRAS show?
  18. Sloppy thump at the moment. Maybe we can grab an inch before it flips.
  19. I was just going to say Diane looks to be moving down there just in time for severe season. That's a nasty look.
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