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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Sad. Too many people either don't know about the weather extremes or just don't respect that mountain. Last time I climbed it was in early September a few years back. I checked the conditions when I left town at 3 a.m. for the drive up and it was clear and calm on the mountain. When I got to Pinkham and checked in a few hours later it was blowing 70 sustained with a negative windchill and freezing rain at the summit. By the time I got to the base of Tuckerman it was a beautiful day. But coming down that afternoon I passed a group of hikers (I'm assuming from Quebec since they were speaking French) climbing in nothing but tshirts and, in one case, sandals. They apparently were unaware of the highly changeable weather conditions.
  2. Absolutely spectacular day. Wowsa.
  3. Nice! The Cuillin hills region is one of the most beautiful places I've ever been. Really the whole west coast of Scotland was awesome.
  4. Spectacular stretch for sure. Soak it in.
  5. Interesting. They are all over my place.
  6. Beautiful day. Not gonna do anything for people's pool temps, but otherwise just great.
  7. Hello, is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home?
  8. My folks planted one in their yard when my brother was born. It's as tall as the house now and a beautiful tree. Who knew all the seedlings they pull every year could be so valuable with a little more tending?
  9. Smart guy. A lot of people would've tempted fate and likely end up a permanent fixture on the mountain.
  10. Also, I would put Killian Jornet's single day summit of Everest from base camp to summit to base camp without supplemental oxygen solidly in the pantheon of greatest athletic feats of all time. Then he did it again a week later.
  11. Jesus, what a cluster. I wonder what percentage of those people are rich neophytes getting dragged to the top by a sherpa.
  12. Congrats! I've seen more tanagers this week than in the preceding ten years. Also tons of yellowthroats, Cape May warblers, a couple blackburnians and the hummingbirds are back in force.
  13. I have three hives in my yard that a neighbor maintains (in exchange I get damn good honey from time to time), so pollination is not an issue lol. This is apparently the result of a hive splitting, but my neighbor isn't at home to capture the swarm. The bees seem to have calmed down, but it's a big beard and I have no interest in pissing them off by mowing nearby. We'll wait and live to mow another day haha.
  14. Was going to get my third mow in today, but there's a hive of honey bees that decided to take up residence in one of my bushes and it's a bit hairy out there atm. Must be 30-40k of them bearded on it. That said, a gorgeous day. Maples are fully leafed out, bursts of color all over the place.
  15. I installed a nice little parterre and reflecting pool. Am not sure where to build the follies. Thoughts?
  16. First mow of the season in the bag. Lawn looks great.
  17. Just saw Hurricane Michael got upgraded to cat 5. Someone wanna tell Cranky?
  18. Gorgeous day. Without the strong south wind, I daresay it might even be considered "hot", at least until we acclimate a bit.
  19. This was riveting golf. The 12th seems to make or break so many in the last few years. So glad to see Tiger back on top.
  20. Almost sixty here, with the last of the rain moving out. Everything is greening up quickly. Lots of magnolias, daffodils, hyacinths etc. in bloom. Definitely feels springy.
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