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Everything posted by Hoth

  1. Persistent troughing in the Lakes might make for an interesting peak to hurricane season.
  2. Unbelievable weather this weekend. Decent surf on the southern beaches as well. Surfers were having fun this morning.
  3. Biggest hail I've personally seen with that system in '15. Parked cars were pretty dinged up in Cambridge.
  4. I had two separate yellow jacket nests in my yard this summer, both painfully discovered while mowing. I had success putting a large overturned glass mixing bowl over the nest. The theory is that the bees go out for forage under the glass, don't realize they're trapped, then starve because they don't think to dig themselves another exit. I don't know what's up with the wasps this summer, but they are prolific.
  5. This weather is absolutely spectacular. Spending the week on FI and could not have timed it any better.
  6. Not a single rumble with this line. Nice cooling breeze though.
  7. Some gorgeous clouds to the north and west. Hoping for some action in a little while.
  8. Sun's out, guns out. It is hot and muggy as hell. Pretty pathetic if we can't capitalize on this.
  9. Had a couple solid bangs in the middle of the night. Hopefully we finish strong today.
  10. We do 33 degree rain with the very best of them.
  11. I’ll be excited when the castellanus starts bubbling up.
  12. I've just been enjoying having thunderstorms regularly again. For years it's felt like the best storms happened in winter. Summer finally feels more like I remember as a boy. Let's get a few more bangers in here tomorrow!
  13. Absolutely spectacular day unfolding here. Men in suits everywhere.
  14. Saw a total bolt from the blue a few minutes ago. Must've hit somewhere up in North Haven. Also, it appears the top thirty feet or so of a cherry tree in my yard came down. Just missed the neighbor's shed. Great storm.
  15. Lower visibility with this rain than any snow I’ve seen since the ‘22 squall.
  16. Feels like old school summer with rumbles in the air every few days. Loving it.
  17. These dudes are still rocking after almost 30 years.
  18. 3" of rain is 3" of rain. It's just colder in January.
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